Friday Is Here

Discussion in 'General' started by Marisol94, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. What's up guys it's Friday what are you up to? Just got out of work and flying high right now. Not much planned just gonna get some take out and I have 2 boxes of Dunkin doughnuts. Maybe just get fried and play some ps3 online

    Work sucks always feels good when its Friday but its the same shit day in day out, it would be badass if jobs were open 24 hours an you could go in whenever you wake up and leave whenever your ready and just stack hours or do the bare minimum would be nice
  3. I'm fucked up
  4. Are you trippy Asian?
  5. Not tonight just Nodding  :cool:
  6. Haha every time I read your name I wonder if your Asian or if I'm stoned maybe both
  7. Yes Azn means Asian
  8. Holy shit it's Friday. Sunday just randomly appears then disappears for me.

    The rest get mushed together.
  9. Nice to formally meet you, I like your illuminati eye by the way haha:)

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