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Freshhh Amnesia + Sour D

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SammySess, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. :D:D:D:D:D:D

    This is some stuff i got from ma boyz all the way in Europe - yeah ya guessed it, Amsterdam lol :rolleyes:

    Amnesia Haze

    Amnesia Haze pic 2

    Some European Sour Diesel.. looks nothin like the stuff here but damn does it work as well and smell just delicious

  2. sweet buds man keep toking!!!!!
  3. Thanks :D

    Ive realised sumthin... when i get this dank from Europe.. its just different. Like the bud here in Long island just makes me wanna sleep all the time, indica or sativa, many different strains, they alll have a major burn out.

    The stuff from europe is strong man, so strong, but it doesnt burn me even half as bad as the shit here.

    Anyone got a reason for this?

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