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Fresh pick up with macros.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Handrailbmx, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Grabbed up some real dank no name from my dude today. cost me 50 for the 8th and it has a nice funky cheese smell with a similiar taste.

    And some macros... Let me know what you think please. Id love some ideas on how to improve my photos. Shooting with a 20d w/ canon 18-50mm and a screw on macro lens.

  2. The secret to a good dank photo is a good camera. (which you have) and some good herb.(which you have.)
    What you forgot to do is rip a piece of a nug off to show off the inner funk. The real crystals on any bud are in the middle close to the stem. Rip a piece off a nug and look inside. Thats what they photograph in all those close up dank shots in high times.
  3. Looks like some tasty dank! Need to focus that camera better though, on the first pic it's fully focused on the grinder rather than the bud.
  4. Damn that bud looks mad dank. I like the pictures too, I think they came out really well. The were focused really well, but the first one was a little focused on the grinder. But they still look fucking amazing
  5. More light and lower the f-stop on the camera. This will give it more depth of field and get more in focus. Good luck, and nice nugs, dude.

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