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Fresh Homegrown Skunk

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by bostondutchmast, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. here is some fresh bagseed skunk strain...homegrown and extremely smooth smoke , nothing special here but a nice smoke indeed









  2. That is some truly amazing bud man! My mouth is watering! whats it taste like?
  3. Looking mighty fine there!

  4. Nice bud boston, what part of boston are you at? I'm in Billerica/Lexington Suburbs. +
  5. Really nice skunk.
  6. nice lil nuggets. was that a cfl grow?
  7. damn, thats the kind
  8. Looks to me like someone knows how to grow extremely well.:hello:

  9. Agreed. I love seeing bud like this!! This guy knows what he is doing!!

    Thank you for the pictures and toke on my friend!! Enjoyy!! :smoking::smoking:
  10. nice bro thats like the shit i got now but urs is more crystally.. stanks like a skunk, looks fire and potent. good shit my man
  11. That's beauty! Well done. Very nice buds!
  12. im curious as to how that tastes.
    it sure does look amazing.
  13. looks like a nice grow, looks delicious
  14. looks like some bomb bomb. rep.
  15. looking good
  16. Shit, nothing special??!!! Looks pretty damn special to me:hello::D

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