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Fresh harvest, my own home grown pick up!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SmokenSomeGreen, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. So I recently harvested one of the plant's from my first grow ever and I feel it's worth a stash jar post. It's jut now perfectly dried and cured so I gave it a last trimming b4 posting.

    I grew it from random brick weed seed's so I'm happy with the end result.

    There's a link in the sig for more info on the grow.

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks nice man
  3. Congrats! It looks very trichy and hairy for bag seed genetics. I'm in the process of growing about ten plants from various bag seeds. I hope mine turn out as good as yours. How much was your yield, and how many plants did you have?
  4. [quote name='"Relaxxxxx"']Congrats! It looks very trichy and hairy for bag seed genetics. I'm in the process of growing about ten plants from various bag seeds. I hope mine turn out as good as yours. How much was your yield, and how many plants did you have?[/quote]

    Only 2 growing, I had 4 but only wanted to grow 2 at a time, the first one finish (buds above) gave me 14 gram's with only 4 weeks veg time. And the one I have left should produce at least a ounce but it's got awhile left.
  5. Wow, Great!

    I germinated 16.
    13 began to grow, then 3 died.
    10 are growing now,
    and i'll hopefully be able to tell gender soon.

    fingers crossed for at least a few girls!
  6. That goes to show growing even bag seeds with care can produce some decent buds

    Nice results man
  7. nice looking bud man, good grow :)

  8. Yep i started with 4, two showed sex and i threw the other two away without even knowing sex.
  9. they look nice bro, nice homemade :smoke:

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