Higher taxes is not the answer to deficit reduction its spending cuts. If Obama got his wish and they raised taxes on people making $250,000 0r more it would only fund the US gov for 8 days. Tax increases are just a distraction and democracy at its worst.
I kind of think that a combination of tax increases and huge spending cuts are in order to fix the problem, you'll never get the politicians to agree to huge spending cuts though.
Why is it that so many people so easily accept that we "need" to give government more money to waste. That money will be far, far better spent by those individuals who earned it. Taxes have only negative effects, and raising them during a depression/recession is even worse. The easy solution is to cut spending, period. The people don't need to be expropriated any more than they already are. Look at something like Ron Paul's proposed budget, that's the correct solution. The market must be allowed to function, and excessive government spending has crippled the market, not allowing it any breathing room. Government has screwed up capital markets so much that it can hardly even be labeled capitalism anymore.
I didn't think he'd get away with it. The only way to save the French economy is spending cuts and leaving the eurozone.
Hollande was elected on a platform that included this proposal. The majority of the voters in France backed this proposal. France's Tax Increase on the Rich Ruled as Unconstitutional | TIME.com Hollande has no choice but to deliver what he promised and will i am sure get creative and find another way to milk the cow.
They didn't overturned it because the 75% is excessive. As a matter of fact they will introduce a new bill with the same 75% tax. The 75% tax is for people with an income superior to 1 million a year, households with both partners earning more than 500 000 each were exempted of it, that's why they overturned it. Big difference.
Actually the Eurozone is the best thing the Europeans have done in the last couple of centuries. They have more influence as a group rather than a collection of individuals.
LOL EU is just the Soviet Union repackaged as a free trade zone, then a common currency, now pushing for a federal europe.
17 countries, 17 different budgets, 1 currency... Seems legit. And now we have NATO, so why do we want federal Europe. There's now talk of kicking us (UK) out of the EU for rejecting their bullshit.
It would probably be good for the UK to be kicked out of the EU. They have such a great history of prosperity... to have their sovereignty violated like this is an insult!
Haha, I fear that our days of relative prosperity are long gone, what with empires being out of fashion nowadays. The EU still doesn't understand why we rejected the financial transaction tax and the EU constitution, I just can't wait until it all falls to pieces.
If we left it up to popular vote here I bet it would turn out the same way. Everyone wants to raise taxes on people who have more than them (while referring to those same people as selfish)..
With a huge economic giant just across the channel, the UK will be a small fish in a big pond, economically. You'll end up taking orders from the leaders of the EU indirectly anyways.