Freezing joints.

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by JinTheEmcee, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I'm quiting for a month because i have a drug test coming up for my job. I have allota weed and i just wanna save it for later. I'm thinking of rollin up a bunch of joints and hiding it in my freezer. What do you guys think? Will it just be a waste?
  2. dont freez it just put it in a jar and keep it cool and darkand it will be fine
  3. Jar it and put it in a dark spot. Why freeze and pre roll?
  4. because after my drug test im just going to take it out of the freezer then dry it for a bit and smoke it instantly. if i were not to pre roll before i put it into the freezer. i would have to dry the weed first when i take it out of freezer. which takes longer. than just having it already rolled.
  5. That would work, you could also just jar the joints. Could also make a bunch of butter/edibles and freeze them.

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