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Freezing Bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AlexanderTheGr8, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Probably a noob question, so here it is.

    Because I keep my grinder and weed and everything in my car. Disreguarding the risks of that. Is it going to affect the bud?

    The reason I ask is because it's been fuckin cold as shit here in iowa. Does the cold negativley affect it? Doesn't seem to but I'm curious if anyone has some insight.
  2. If it freezed and you allow it to thaw(ice) your weed will be wet and go bad.
  3. I didn't stick it in the freezer next to ice or anything. It's not actually frozen. But when temps get below freezing (which is practically every night, and most of the day now that I think about it) does that alone hurt the bud?
  4. No it's cool, your weed will be fine in that mason jar. It might shrink but as far as THC and mold goes, it's fine.
  5. freezing bud will actually help preserve it, assuming it's sealed airtight, where moisture can't get to it.
  6. From experience....

    Dont freeeeze then thaw freeeze than thaw.. its not good for anything food etc..
  7. Freezing bud is fine, as a matter of fact it does preserve it when frozen but like someone above me said it has to be in a sealed container/bag

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