free weed from random bitch

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Stoneybologna4, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. ok. So my freinds and I always get high. At least once a day. My sister and two of my buddies took all our weed and went to party a state over. It snowed and they couldn't come back till Monday. So me and my bro Jose started trying to figure out how to get weed since or dealer was the older bro of one of my freinds. would only give to him for cheap our free and me and Jose were broke. So we went to the poolhouse in town to blow our last bit of chump change. Then this girl comes up to us and said she is in desperation and weed but nowhere to go and no way to woke it do me and Jose to ended rescue. Haha we for our pipes and hoped in houses car and smoked her while batch . Dropped the girl of without a word and I might never see her again. This will be a sorry to tell my freinds when they get back. I love how no matter where your from a strangers weed is is as good as yours. Haha
  2. So hard to read.
  3. Man shit like this happens way too often to write a paragraph about it in it's own thread

    Halfway through I figured the girl was going to drop you a dime bag for eating her out or something. Bummer story dude
  4. Half way through the story, did you smoke meth?
  5. What the hell
  6. WTF happened to OP? It snowed, out of weed, chump change at pool hall then????

  7. There's no way it was THAT hard to understand. You guys are fuckin with him
  8. how are you that broke dude

    ever heard of saving your money in a bank?
  9. i just don't know man
  10. Did you pass 6th grader English? Doesn't look like it!
  11. Haha we for our pipes and hoped in houses car and smoked her while batch . Dropped the girl of without a word and I might never see her again<-- wat
  12. Thanks for clearin that all up for us...
  13. Wow dude you really just got chirped by someone's grandma you might as well go tell your neighbours to cancel their Internet service right now or put a wep lock on it for your own safety
  14. This guy
  15. Dude,


    I didnt understand any of that

  16. Sucks that this is our next generation of leaders. Probably not the OP. I can't believe a person would post that and then not edit it. OP may have some unknown to us learning disability though. Whatever.

  17. Easy there....

    We do know this is an international forum, right?
  18. Can someone clarify had a hard time understanding lol
  19. free weed comes from friends, not bitches.

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