Published yesterday at Human Rights Services ( The trial started today. He is charged with socalled hate speech, where in reality all he have done is quoted from the quran, and juxtapositioned the hate speech found in that book, with the hate speech found in mein kampf. Geert Wilders is the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands according to recent polls, he is a member of the Dutch parlament amongst others, and might even end up as the countrys next Prime Minister, so this is very much a political trial.
It was a mistake to put him on trial, he's a demagogue, the prosecutor is only making him a martyr with this case.
Hmmm... Geert Wilders has also stated that he will close the coffee shops in Holland .. This guy is a nutcase.. He is not about freedom.. He is a far right hater of all things Islamic.. Signing this petition is a vote against Cannabis..
Geert Wilders is many things, but far right he is not. That is just a label the establishment have put on him because he threatens to dismantle the entire rotten structure they profit from. In the political spectrum he is hard to peg down. On some issues he is a conservative, others a liberalist. The far right label is in conflict with his stated goals and policies. For example, and I find it hard to disagree with them: - Secure free speech by writing it into the constitution, modeled on the US 1st amendment. - Introduce a system of binding referendums based on the Swiss model. - Introduce direct elections of mayors, police chiefs and prime ministers, much based on the US model. - Reduce taxes and government regulations and beurocracies. - Slash Dutch contributions to the EU and UN, and minimize these organizations influence on dutch politics. - Have educational standards based on merit, science and knowledge, not "progressive" ideological drivel. - Heighten the position in society of teachers, health-care workers, police, firemen and soldiers by means of wage increases. - Make health-care more accessible and not burdened by costly and uneccesary beurocracy. Sound far right to you? He want to reintroduce a true democracy to Holland. To replace the current establishment, where all the other parties and the press are more or less in bed with eachother, for their own gain, whilst disregarding the will of the people on vital questions. Naturally, the issue he is best known for, is to roll back the damage done by islamic immigration to Holland. By exposing islam as the nazism it is, and pointing out the barbary that follows in islams wake. Holland was once a very open and tolerant society. Everyone was safe and free to speak their mind. Not any more. Islamic immigration have put an end to that. All Wilders have done, is speak the truth about islam, and formulated policies to restore Holland to its once peacefull, safe and tolerant of most things society. For that he is prosecuted. In a political trial, by a witless and scared silly establishment. Imagine a trial, where the telling of truth regarding a dangerous ideology threatening ones society is not a defense, but the actual crime? Or as one of the prosecutors on the Wilders case said: "It is irrelevant whether Wilder’s witnesses might prove Wilders’ observations to be correct. What’s relevant is that his observations are illegal." Wilders is not political correct (a term coined by Mao btw), he is anti-establishment, and he got a strong and growing support in the Dutch people. This trial is the establishment trying to derail Wilders, the PVV and the Dutch peoples attempt to remove them from power. In reality, the Dutch establishment can not win. Regardless of the outcome of the trial. The jig is up, people are not stupid, they see what is going on. Oh, and Wilders views on coffeeshops, is a minor detail. If you allow the islamist supremacist and their political correct establishment enablers to first go after the jews, then the gays and women, the non-believers and the freedoms we take for granted, I am sure somewhere in there, they will also come for your coffeshops, not to mention breweries. And by that line of appeasement, you will loose a hell of a lot more than just legally blazing in public. [ame=""]YouTube- Hate speech or Free speech? Geert Wilders on trial[/ame] Wilders openening speech: [ame=""]YouTube- Geert Wilders brilliant speech[/ame]
As someone who follows the political situation of northern Europe very closely, I would strongly recommend Zylark's post for reading. It might be correct to place the BNP (British National Party) or the FN (Front National) in the catagory of 'far right' (then again, it might not be correct)... it is probably correct to place VB (Vlaams Blok) in that catagory... but to place Geert Wilders really just doesn't seem to match with his postions, and perhaps more notably, his positions depart significantly from BNP, FN, and VB. The Netherlands is a country experiencing significant problems. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in the streets for daring to speak out against Islam, and now Ayaan Hirsi Ali lives in hiding. If you're familiar with the history of Europe, you're be familiar with the history of political violence in central Europe from the year 1900-1936 or so. Assassination after assassination of activists, judges, politicians, candidates, and others created the sort of political instability that greatly contributed to the collapse of the Weimer Republic the rise of National Socialism (Nazism) in Germany. What Wilders proposes is to try and head off the direction that the Islamists are pushing. It is they who represent the threat. (Though as a side note, Hitler's style of Nazism wasn't really Far Right, but that's not really relevent to this post since we're talking about the modern label).
I certainly don't agree with the Dutch establishment proposing any kind of punishment for him though - freedom of speech always comes before not supporting government ideology, and I'm a firm believer that you have a right to say whatever the fuck you want without the government interfering. However; This doesn't sound like what Hitler was saying about the Jews at all, does it? Islamic immigration and 'perverting the culture' with multiculturalism is only a problem if the government or those in power SEEK a dominant culture to be upheld. This is a government agenda, by which the dominant ideology holds a monopoly on public perception by enforcing a strict policy of 'get with it or get out'. The same reaction against multiculturalism is beginning to happen here, and I'm quite disturbed that no one sees the obvious kick in the teeth it is to freedom and the granting of power it gives to governments to monopolise culture to their will. This reminds me of my mates dad and the way he acts. Essentially, he likes to wear 'poofy clothes', which his dad doesn't like, so he's said "I don't want you wearing that shit here or around me. If you don't like it, leave." My friends argued to his dad that he shouldn't be policing his opinions and what to believe. His dad says that if he is the adult (though my mates 19) and is in charge, and that if my mate doesn't 'respect' his dads values then he is not welcome in the house. This has always struck me as horribly intolerant and as an unneccesary abuse of power - and that's exactly how this dickhead politicians words strikes me. Should they the commies? Or on that vein, engage in a war against the Muslims, since that's exactly what (his seeming idols) the USA did against Vietnam; the ideology was percieved as 'bad' and 'dangerous to our freedoms'. As such, it's apparently justified to slaughter them (and still lose the war...). I believe Hitler closed down all of the centers and organisations that ran against the government - independant press (for their 'lack of German values'), mosques, synagogues and even fucking swimming clubs. It 'strengthened the culture' through state run, government monitored 'unity', didn't it? Muslims will not allow churches etc to be built in Saudi Arabia - the Arab culture and values system is behind 'Enlightened' Western values. Back when the gross majority of the population of England were peasants/working class and in blinding poverty, much the same intolerance and hatred of outsiders and their belief systems existed as the Arab Muslim population hold today. This culminated in the Crusades, which we might remember resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of 'infidels', among which the Muslim population featured heavily. The justification for this is in the Bible - think the Ammonites. So don't fucking tell me 'Islam is not equal to Christianity or Judaism' because it 'isn't an ideology of hate', because both have both as much historical and biblical etc justification for the violence of Islam today, and both are JUST as hateful and violent as Islam. The reason Christianity and Judaism have been 'enlightened' and don't act on this hate is because they've been Westernised; in other words, comfort and wealth has made them gone soft and has given them no need to be as fanatical about their religion. When Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world is as wealthy as the West and their populations aren't in utter poverty, then you'd imagine the Muslim faith and community will be less violent and hateful - maybe they'll have their own Civil Rights movement like the US, and be 'enlightened'. If not, then fuckhead richboys like this Wilders clown are justified in not tolerating what would be an unjustified and threatening hatred. Summation; no, he shouldn't be punished, but no, people shouldn't listen to him. He seems to me to be nothing but a hypocrite, claiming he believes in freedom and showing such totalitarianism and authoritarianism with support for a central government granted the power to police SOCIAL VALUES. That's against the very core of the freedom he purports support for. As such, I have no respect for him and wouldn't feel that upset quite frankly if he was thrown in jail. I certainly don't condone it, but I don't really consider it some kind of crushing blow for freedom if some totalitarian hypoctrical control freak dickhead is locked up either.
Indeed. Without freedom of speech, democracy is a joke. Only restrictions on free speech that should exist, is libel, sedition and incitement to violence. Everything else, offensive or not, true or not, popular or not, must be legal. No, actually it do not. It sounds more like the warnings of Churchill and Trotsky against the nazi menace. Their truthfull representation of the nazi danger, was not that popular at the time either. It was thought better not to rock the boat, and the problem would go away in a puff of magic if only we caved to Hitlers demands. Quite... You need to get over your belief that you can compare the nazi propaganda against the jews in the 30's with the criticism of islam and islamists of today. For one thing, the jews, even the most ardent and fundamentalist ones, did not kill or attempt to kill anyone. They did not have ghettoes where others was not allowed to enter and no law existed. They did not cause a flood of violent rapes and other violent crimes. They did not cause violence towards civil authorities or cause riots. They did not preach sedition. Infact, they did nothing to deserve the blind hatred of the nazis, except by merely existing as a convenient scapegoat. Islamists in Europe today however, are seeking to impose their faith, and more important, their religious laws, sharia, on all of society. And they do this by assassination and deaththreats on critics, leading to a self-imposed censorship in large parts of the press and cultural sphere. They excert pressure using thinly veiled threats of riots should they not get their will from various authorities to push through various special islamic demands, like seperate education for boys and girls, reserved "muslim" slots in public baths, displaying religious symbols as part of neutral authority uniforms, such as hijab for police, soldiers, nurses and judges. They openly engage in sedition. And so on and so forth. Do your poofy friend also insist that his dad should not only accept his poofy style, but that his dad must also dress poofy? If not, your argument is irrelevant. A non sequitor in fact. Do stop comparing a democrat like Wilders with totalitarians like Hitler. Doing that only proves one thing, that you are speaking out of your ass. If anything, Wilders want more democracy and more freedoms. It is the threat to these freedoms and democratic rule that Wilders is against. A threat coming from a totalitarian ideology. This is just wrong in its entirety. The crusades was a reaction to islamic expansion that gobbled up byzants (todays Turkey) and coptic North-Africa (Egypt through Morocco), threatened central and southern Europe, and denied christians access to holy sites in Israel. Islam started the fight, not the crusaders. And the justification is not found in the gospels. That the old testament condone these things was very convenient for the catholic church at the time, but the old testament is not what the gospels teach. So you cannot compare the teaching of christianity with the teachings of islam. Islam was founded by a genocidal warlord remember. Islam is an ideology of conquest as written and formulated by a self serving despot. The mythological Jesus did not teach war or genocide. Muhammed did. Umm, Saudi Arabia not a wealthy country? Over the last 30 years, muslim oil producing countries have received over 13 trillion US dollars. That is 13,000,000,000,000 bucks. Yearly Saudi Arabia alone, rakes in over 300 billion dollars from oil exports. Yet the majority of the population live in abject poverty? Not only that, it is one of the countries that practice islam very strict and violently. More so than Iran even. So what is the matter with Saudi Arabia, are they not wealthy enough to be free, hmm? Yet originally dirt poor countries like Botswana, who is not muslim, have not only been practicing a free society, but due to that have also seen a tremendous increase in their economy during the same time period, the last 30 years. Botswana now have the same standard of living as Mexico. Leaps and bounds over what you find in any islamist ruled country, no matter the oil wealth. Why is it so? For one thing, islam is not compatible with a free society. That simple. And without a free society, you cannot make a prosperous society. All you do here is display hatred for Wilders, using false accusations that he is a totalitarian none the less. Why the hate? Your arguments against him are factually not based in reality, so there must be some ideological or religious dogma you adhere to that makes you hate a man who stands up for freedom and democracy. Care to divulge?
Would you vote for him if you were a Dutch national ? Would you want to live in the Nederlands with this guy in power? Some of the P V V policies that he endorses are: -Non-Dutch nationals who commit a crime are immediately removed from Netherlands -Closing coffee shops and outlawing home cultivation -Introduce Re-education camps.. WTF??? -No reduction on prison time for good behaviour.. -Increased penalties for crime and introducing minimum sentences for crimes and offenses -After three serious violent crime life imprisonment -Preventative searchs across the country.. -New Article 1 of the Constitution: Christian / Jewish / humanist culture should remain dominant in the Netherlands -Abolish dual citizenship -Stop all immigration into the Netherlands Not being a Dutch speaker i translated the PVV's website for the above.. Google Translate Whilst some of his policies are to be admired such as care of the elderly and upgrading of infrastructure, the guy is a control freak.. His no.1 priority seems to be hatred of all things Islamic.. He spent time in Israel in his late teens and IMO has been brainwashed.. He left his previous party (Peoples Party) because they would not try and block Turkeys membership of the EU.. His main focus is removal and banning of all things Islamic from the Nederlands.. Hitler hated the Jews, Wilders hates Muslims.. Think about it.. Geert Wilders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "He has also pledged to ban the Koran, which he likens to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, close borders to non-western immigrants and tax clothing commonly worn by Muslims such as headscarves because they “pollute” the landscape."
Just to add, i am all for Freedom of Speech but this guy worries me.. He is an extremist... “What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.” Bobby Kennedy...
Yes and yes. And this is a problem why? Deportation is the only sanction that non-citizen islamists fear. Prison do not faze them. And why should our societies use a small fortune to keep foreign nationals in our prison-system? Especially in light of such prison terms are more likely to further radicalize rather than reform these ideological supremacist totalitarian theocratic criminals? Only thing that makes sense is deportation. Hell, it is already practiced for violent non-citizens in Norway and Denmark already. Obviously I do not agree with this. But it is not a deal-breaker. Have any other good ideas on how to stamp out anti-democratic totalitarian seditious ideology and behaviour amongst islamist citizens? As it is, re-education is done already towards neo-nazis in most european countries. Special counselling and programmes are in place in most european penal and social systems to rehabilitate neo-nazis. Participation is voluntary in name only. Granted, it's not camps as such, but that is mostly due to neo-nazis being a marginal problem where individual treatment can be afforded. Islamism is not a marginal problem. Islamists constitute a significant minority of the European muslim population. This would for me depend on the severity of the crime committed. I can't say I agree entirely on this, as I think genuine remorse, taking responsibility for wrongdoings, and qualified rehabilitation should be rewarded. As such, early release is a good incentive. But some criminal acts, are so heinous, that no such considerations can in good conscience be given. And in europe, we do not have death-penalty in civil law. The sentencing guidelines in most european countries, holland included, are in many cases laughably low. It do not get better by lenient judges, who seem more concerned with the wellbeing of the criminal than the damage done to the victims. So yes, stricter guidelines for sentencing is very much needed in many areas of civil law. That's where violent repeat criminals belong. Behind bars for life. Better than in our streets, free to maim, rape and/or murder again. If they can't abstain from violence after two strikes, they have shown no will to change their ways and is a danger to society. So it makes sense to keep them out of society. edit: to use Norway as an example again, this is to a degree already practiced. Normal max-sentencing is limited to 21 years (proposed increased to 30 years, pending parlament decision), with release after 2/3 of time served including pre-trial confinement. However, for violent repeat offenders, and even first time violent offenders, indefinite confinement can be sentenced. This is a sentence metered out where the convict is found to be at high risk of repeat criminal (and violent) activity. More specifically, murder, attempted murder, rape and incest. The length of this indefinite confinement is subject to a continous repeat risk assessment after mandatory sentence is served. A three-striker under indefinite confinement is not likely to be released until age or disabilitating disease renders him or her harmless to society. In these days of islamic terror, imagine the threat to Holland if Wilders is PM... Busting islamist networks will then be a matter of national security. Hell, it is already. But at the moment, police and intelligence agencies are working with one hand tied behind their back. If mere suspicion of criminal islamist networks and cells was enough to seize incriminating hard evidense, tragedies as 9/11, London and Madrid bombings could be prevented. Yes, and? Such legislation have long been a part of many european countries, including Norway and Denmark. It is merely a constitutional recognition of our heritage and the values upon which we have built our societies and culture. The preamble to the Irish constitution goes much further, it limits rather falsely the Irish heritage to christianity only... "In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred..." Again, yes, and? Either you're a citizen or not. Such provisions are not all that uncommon. This is merely saying that if one want to be a Dutch citizen, then one need to jump in with both feet. Not linger in non-commitment. Norway have similar provisions. Dual citizenship is not applicable for naturalized citizens, unless in cases where dissolving previous national citizenship require an unacceptable risk, by for example having to return to a country of origin to dissolve citizenship, and that country want you in jail or worse for reasons not in violation of Norwegian law. Actually it is not a stop to all immigration. It is a 5 year moratium on immigration from non-western countries. Asylum seekers with documented risk of life or liberty in country of origin due to political, sexual or religious persuation may still be given residency pending investigation. ID-less asylum seekers need not apply (which in Norway is 95% of them, comparable numbers in Holland). The intent is to stop welfare and economic immigration, and give a breather in order to integrate the already substancial amount of non-integrated immigrants already in the country. I see no problem in this, and support it wholeheartedly. Well, Turkey have pretty much blocked themselves from EU membership. But in either case, Turkish membership in the EU would be an unmitigated disaster for Europe. I'd never vote for a party that recommended them membership. Not quite true. He do however want to make real damn sure islam in Holland is reduced to a personal faith, as most muslims practice it, and not a political project for sharia, as a substancial and voicefull, if not outright violent, minority do. Nothing to think about. It is simply a false claim and a libelous comparison. Wilders do not hate muslims. Never claimed to, never uttered anything to the effect. Not in speech, not in writing. Never. Quite the contrary, Wilders recognize most muslims as peacefull tolerant people who present no threat to Dutch values or society. He recognize that most muslims are the target of oppression from self-righteous islamists, and need even more protection from these than your average non-muslim Dutchman. If anything, Wilders want to protect these majority muslims to practice their more liberal and secular islam in peace from the totalitarian seditious demagogues that currently run most European mosques and islamic cultural centers and schools. The point is to hinder and outlaw an extremist and totalitarian ideology that is indistinguishable from nazism. It is not to hinder the peacefull practice of any given personal faith. Wilders is no fan of islam as it is presented by its mainstream interpreters. An islam that teaches that sharia is above all other laws. And anyone who knows anything about sharia, and how muslim majority countries are governed, would be insane not to agree to never ever letting such barbarism gain any foothold in our societies.
I really don't see how this guy wanting to preserve his nation's rich culture against eastern expansion is any sort of crime. How can you blame him for being worried after seeing what has happened in Germany following the Gastarbeiter program. Islam is a roadblock for progress, human rights, and modernization, plain and simple. Its the reason the western world surpassed the east in the modern era so drastically and the divide will continue to grow until things change. The saddest part is that the majority of these immigrants are really just caught in the middle of the shitstorm, with a backwards totalitarian theocracy at their back and a society that fears radical Islam front of them.
I agree that Sharia Law has no place in Europe and hopefully no European government would be stupid or weak enough to consider it... Maybe in Ireland we dont get the extreme Muslims that other countries get... Maybe they dont fancy their chances here.. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.. On a side note i rang some Dutch friends of mine in Amsterdam earlier and asked them had they any bad experiences with Muslim people and what they thought of Wilders and the upcoming trial etc... They answered no to problems with Muslims but they had also never heard of Wilders or the trial.. To quote " we dont bother with any of that politics shit." When i mentioned that he was for shutting down the coffee shops and banning cultivation they woke up and wanted to know everything.. Lots of "Kut , what, fuck, no way, fuck that rukhond needs to be stopped, fuck that.."
Zylark; You cannot skirt around the fact that Gert Wildeer is advocates government power over the beliefs , values and practises of its citizens. In doing so, he proposes using the governments monopoly on power to root out 'ideologies' which he personally (notice that the Muslim citizens, no less equal and integral to the country as he himself is, wouldn't support his control freak ban on a central feature of their ethnic identity) finds to be 'totalitarian'. Does he propose throwing commies in jail? I want your take on that, too. He compares Islam to communism and fascism, so should these people also be jailed and deported because their 'beliefs and values' don't allign to what he personally feels is best? The dude is just another one of these rather disturbing authoritarians who believe they have some kind of fucking right to police the minds and identities of the population. As for 'they are a danger to the country, they want to kill us and convert us and Islamify the country blah blah blah' - doesn't this sound just like the justification for the US war in Afgahnistan and Iraq, which, as we well know, has resulted in deplorable slaugther and FURTHER acts of terrorism? Yes, Europe has an influx of Arabs, Africans etc - well, like Bob Dylan says, "Come gather round people where ever you roam And admit that the waters around you have grown And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone If you're time to you is worth saving Then you'd better start swimming before you sink like a stone For the times, they are a-changin'" Holland can practise some kind of isolationaism. Fuck dude, the whole of the European Union could do it, but the big bad Arab isn't going to go away. So accept him and love him as a brother - just like you can't fight fire with fire, fighting intolerance with intolerance is a harbour for more suffering and tension. Islam was spreading their ideology, that's what these sky god religions seem to do. If you really wanted to find the root of the problem (historically speaking), the Jews initiated the first steps to religious hostility. And that IS in the Bible. And don't tell me 'not in the Gospels'; you can't just fucking pick and choose, you either take the word of God AS the word of God or you take it as little more than a book of poetry. And if you want to waffle on about Muhammed being a 'genocidal warlord', perhaps you'll remember some Biblical heroes such as Noah, Abraham, David and all the other host of creepy, less than admirable chracters who form a major part of the stories that young kids are faithfully told as true. Jesus didn't teach war or genocide, but frankly I'm not entirely convinced Muhammed did either. Quotes please Anyways, fundamentalists in America are murdering abortion doctors, terrorising athiests (let's cut the shit and just call them infidels, eh?) and supressing scientific progress. There are more pissed of Muslim fundamentalists, but desperate times breed desperate measures and these fat, lazy, comfortable rich fundamentalists are far from living on less than $100 a week with no running water. He's a slimy little toad filled with intolerance and hypocrisy. There's no ideological (I'm a libertarian socialist) or religious doctrone (I'm an athiest) I adhere to that makes me say this besides my love of freedom to do and say what you want without having Big Brother controlling 'acceptable' values. He stands up for nothing but the Islamaphobia his buddies in the US are enforcing, and clearly has little regard for freedom if he thinks its ethical to tell people what to tell the citizens what to believe. Remember, the Muslim citizens of Holland are NO LESS citizens than he is - if I had some other man telling me that I can't hold conviction in opposing the capitalist system or in the words of Charles Darwin, I would laugh in his face and tell him that it's a free country. Clearly, Wilder has no desire for a free country, and as such should not be trying to lead a democracy, let alone heading a fucking 'Freedom' party.
AHuman, All forms of law are a form of government power over the beliefs, values, etc of the citizens. The issue isn't a YES/NO issue on "Should the government exert power over the beliefs, values, etc of the citizens." By its very nature that is what it does. Even a secular government is imposing a secular style government upon the people, as opposed to some other style of government. The issue is "What beliefs, values, etc, should the government endorse and promote?"
Well, I love that little paradoxical but wonderful phrase "The only rule is that there are no rules." So how about something like this; "The only belief, values etc that the government should endorse and promote is that there is no central, 'unifying' set of beliefs, values etc as these are for the individual to decide based upon their own judgement process and autonomy of mind." Now, I'm not saying "Everyone do what you want, let's all go rape people and steal shit with no consequence!" I'm saying that the government has no right to dictate a 'central ideology'. This is not quite the same as having laws, this is simply saying that the government has no right to be 'conservative' or 'liberal' or anything else that promotes a central ideology other than giving everyone the freedom to decide their own ideologies. A note on the issue at hand; Islam is an IDENTITY more so than a religion. It's an ethnic and cultural experience, comparable to being a Jew, being an Irishman or the identity of 'white, middle class American' etc. To supress that is no different to supressing the right for blacks to jazz dance in the 30's (whitey shut it down out of conservative paranoia, fearing 'deterioration of morals' and 'the influence of Satanic possession'), or for anyone else to communicate and rally within their community. In this sense, Wilder is in fact trying to ban freedom of association too - by banning mosques, closing Islamic schools etc he is denying them to right to congregate and associate under their cultural institutions of their Muslim identity. The fact is this; he can try to keep the Arab down, but isolationism, cultural homogeny ('unity') and policies of government ideological superiority aren't sensible or sustainable as the Arab world and population begin to 'catch up' to the European world. Contact is inevitable and diversity is strength, so why make an idiot of himself burying his head in the sand and exasperating racial/cultural tensions?
Bang on... All men are equal and entitled to believe what they want.. If some want to follow the teachings of a man from the 6th century then that is their right.. All religions and cultures have beliefs and practices that dont make sense to others.. This whole Islam is evil argument is getting tired..
Come on dude, you're talking out of your ass. I live in the Netherlands and things haven't changed one bit. You're trying to paint a picture of Wilders as a hero of the free word, as if Wilders gets shut down when he makes his comments about Islam and Muslims in the Netherlands. He doesn't. He's been spewing this shit for a long time now, and most of the time, he doesn't make any valid points whatsoever. His introduction of the 'kopvoddentaks' (headragtax) is one example.* He does nothing but fear monger and appeal to sentiments held by people too scared to go out and see if the "Islamic menace" he created really exists. He's not being prosecuted by "the establishment". A three judge court ordered prosecutor(s) to try him. Many Dutch political commentators have said prosecuting him was a mistake, as members of Parliament are protected by law to say anything they like. Please clarify this seemingly ass-ignorant statement. There isn't a single Pro-Islamic party in Dutch Parliament. You make it seem like Muslims will take over the Netherlands if Wilders doesn't get elected. Maybe you're an expert on Dutch politics, but, coming from someone who actually lives here, Geert Wilders is like a Dutch Bill O'Reilly, he does nothing but inspire fear and hatred against Dutch Muslims, and meanwhile his political base (mostly people from the lower-middle/lower classes, who stand by him on just his opinion on Islam) are buying it all. *The headragtax was an attempt by Wilders to discourage Muslim women from wearing a headscarf. They could be fined up to 1000 euros a year for wearing one. If he's so adamant about Islamic women's rights, why encourage a bill to fine women wearing one, if indeed they are "forced" to wear one. It's not like they would get a pass if the punishment was a fine, they'd be forced to pay the fine. I don't get how people who value rights and free society can be pro-Wilders, as all he does is limit rights, albeit to certain groups. I don't agree with the lawsuit either, I think everyone should let Wilders rage on and sing his little song, and in a couple of years, we'll all wonder where he went. Giving him attention for the ridiculous, demagogic shit he spews will only add fuel to the fire.
Hancock, I don't believe you when you say nothing have changed. If you believe nothing have changed, you either live in some middle to high income suburb, or in a rural area. If you live in the urban areas of just about any major city, you'd know excactly what problems predominatly muslim immigration carries with it. The situation in the Netherlands is no different from say Norway, Denmark, Germany, France or the UK. Or any number of other european countries and their major cities. There is a very real clash of cultures. The islamic and the liberal western. There is no hiding that. Muslims in europe tend to gather in ghettoes that are outside of ordinary majority control and not least rule of law. No-go-zones is pandemic to major European cities, in France as in Brittain and not least, Holland. We have areas in our cities where our common law do not exist. Socalled honour killings are rampant. Not to mention rapes and other violent crimes. Then we have organized crime, ranging from gambling to drugs, and more soft crime like tax-evasion and welfare-exploitation. Just here in Norway, it was exposed that 2/3 of Pakistanis living in Oslo, was involved in the greatest tax-scam and welfare scam ever. Taxi-drivers doing business off the record, and a lot of part time drivers collecting benefits whilst driving taxis off the record. Many of these have lived here for 30 years or more. They may have both their feet here in Norway, but their heart and mind is still in Pakistan. So what do we do? As the PVV suggest, stop further immigration. We need time to integrate the immigrants we got. Obviously, we've done a piss-poor job of that so far. I do not buy the multicultural relativist dogma that all cultures are equal. I know western liberal democratic culture is better than anything else. It allows more freedoms and rights than any other. And please prove me wrong. As such, newcommers to our societies need to learn how our societies and culture works. Not saying they should abandon all of their culture, but they do need to abandon that which are not compatible with ours. Either that or get the hell out of our cultural sphere. We need to make it perfectly clear to those seeking asylum or refuge in Europe, that they need to adapt to our way of doing things. Not the other way around. Therein lies the problem with many muslims and their naive enablers. They believe their supremacist religion is the truth and nothing but, and from that stance demand a lot of things that are mildly speaking abhorrent. All we need to say is that such demands will not be met. Never. And if they insist on those demands, they may find another place to live before we will inevitably make it imperative to them. Do note, before some leftist asshat do accuse me of racism, I am only speaking of unwilling to adapt muslims here. Islam is not a race. And most muslims are not a problem. Though their collective culture is. It's the difference between welcoming Indians and Pakistani/Bangladeshans really. Same ethnic group strictly speaking. Yet Indians do very well in our societies, I want more of them, and not least more of their delicious Indian restaurants. Pakistanis and Bangladeshans on the other hand, being culturally muslims, are more often than not seen in our crime statistics, not as well integrated immigrants. There is no hiding it. People from all over the world immigrate to Europe and the US. Most try to do good for themselves and their family. But the most problems, are from muslim immigrants, and nearly those alone. Immigration, yes. From islamic countries, unless they are apostates or otherwise opposed to or persecuted by islam, well, no. Islam is nazism. It is the pursuit of a judenfrei totalitarian sharia society, as they have managed to get in the Saudi-Arabian peninsula. And the islamists everywhere want for the rest of the world. It is no coincidence that anti-semittism force swedish jews to flee, as the muslim population in swedish cities as Malmø have reached nearly majority status. And a lot of other examples I could drag along exist from all over Europe. So again Hancock. When you say nothing have changed, you either live a very protected life, don't want to see or just don't care. But things have changed, and sooner or later, you will notice it. edit: Almost forgot... All Wilders have done, is say basically what I have. That european liberal democratic values and islamic ones are quite simply not compatible. By using various examples, and pointing out the huge elephant in the room. And for that he is put on trial. I work quite a bit with immigrants, in the cultural sphere. My experience, is that there is a lot of joy and expression done by just about any immigrant group, by means of concerts and arts and culinary gatherings that I have participated in and worked on as a technician. What they all have in common is, they are not muslim immigrants. My experience tell me, that there is no real outreach between the muslim community and the society at large. Unlike all other minority communities I've been in contact with. Especially the more, let us say, vibrant african and asian ones.
Not wanting to create a new thread, so you have to excuse me having two posts in a row in the same thread... [ame=""]YouTube- The crooked judges of Amsterdam[/ame] 'Nuff said really, and no-one do it better than Pat Condell
DAMN. I support free speech, but there's a lot of Islamist hate going on in this thread. Sharia law this, sharia law that. Not all Muslims are a problem and not all of them force their religion on anyone... surely a better option in the world of today is a better integration policy rather than one where we just offload the problem elsewhere. This right-wing backlash against immigrants in a lot of Europe is starting to scare me...