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Free 'smoking' papers (uk only)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by C R O C, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. I found this last night, pritty awesome. (UK ONLY)

    Smoking Paper

    Just select the free samples and fill out the page that comes up (address, email, what type of papers you want).

  2. I forgot you can only ask for 1 pack of papers. But if you but enter the same info (name, address) but change the email-address it lets you get another set of papers. :D:D:D
  3. i would get it if it wasn't just UK.o well
  4. Couldn't tell me how long for delivery could you mate ?
  5. :) I don't know, look around on the website and it might say somewhere.
  6. Who cares? It's free!
  7. sweet im UK :rolleyes:
  8. Cheers man, i'm in the UK :D
  9. Too bad I'm not in the UK. If they had like different brands of papers, then that would be a lot cooler, (and what I was expecting). You can't buy Juicy Jays in CT unfvortunately.
  10. nice. excellent contribution my man.
  11. Nice im in uk, Clicked both the king sizes and regular Blues, It didnt say i couldnt ask for more than one? will i still get them?
  12. tbh its not really worth the effort. skins cost like what 30 to 70p

  13. yah pretty much

  14. what fucking effort?!?! just fill out some form and free skins are sent to your house? if that's effort then you've got problems.
  15. :laughing: Agreed.
  16. Thanks for the info... It took 30 seconds to fill in.

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