
Discussion in 'General' started by Antonacci44, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. How can you remove them? I am outside often and I notice more and more every year. They are on my cheek/nose area.
  2. There is no known cure...You are forever cursed to carry this terrible, terrible condition to the grave.[​IMG]
  3. You gotta cut em off
  4. Freckles are cute, I think you should embrace them :3 Especially when there is no apparent solution to remove them :p

  5. I remember reading something about rubbing lemon juice or lemon something on them would make them fade.

    Have no idea if this is true or not I'd recommend you Google it beforehand.
  6. #8 Sleepy nuts, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2015
    Like athletes foot if you pee on them or let somebody else piss on them they will be gone in 1-2 weeks.
  7. Grasscity: the stoner WebMD
  8. Methamphetamine is a decent cure. Just scratch them off like a lottery ticket.
  9. I told a hot ginger that my sperm can get rid of her freckles. I gave her 3 facials a day.

    freckles are considered sexy by some people

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