Well, I was smoking a bowl my parents wen't home so I thought "Well why not.." I got high I still am, But I'm freaked cuz my parents came home and my mom noticed my eyes were red I told her that it was this candle in my room, but my mom is not stupid so i think that she might suspect something, what should I do?
Well, it sorta is if she finds out..I'll have to go to military school. So yea I'll just chill and try to decrease my high some how
I can't go anywhere, cuz no one is home for some reason so I can't go to my friends house and chill cuz his parents are home and he is visitin his grandma or something
No, but hes the only other stoner I know, my other smoking buddies are out with there parents. Yea, unless she finds the half oz i hid
say you need to talk to your doctor because your sinises(sp) are acting up you have a stuffed up nose and your eyes itch
get caught and go to military school. you could be the only one there that was a dealer so you could sell for a ridiculous upcharge. if you get caught the worst that would happen is you would get kicked out and have to go back to public school.
my mom alwasy says that say u were smokin dude..or be like o they feel red have any eye drops? its allergies
Just rub ur eyes alot when ur talking to her, thats all. keep rubbing them, never say a fucking thing until she asks say oh..their red? yea theve been itching all day...and thats that. Wow lol! Somebudy had a big bowl of grouchy this morning Mellow out haha smoke a bowl or 2, dont be such a negative nancy.