FOX says Marijuana WILL KILL YOU

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Tokegreensmoke, May 15, 2010.

  1. Faux news.
  2. #22 Smiley Coyote, May 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2010
  3. When is the Faux News Network not spewing highly-opinionated bs?
  4. Yeah, and and for anyone you run into that wants to start that "grandpas weed" bullshit argument, simply ask them how much painkillers have changed in the last 10 - 20 years.

    That should pretty much shut that argument right the hell up. Hollywood isn't dying from illegal drugs anymore, they just have one too many prescriptions, that's all.:rolleyes:
  5. I wouldn't trust fox news if they told me the sky was blue

  6. hahahah dude, thats funny as shit.

  7. But you trust other news networks to be unbiased and fair?
  8. fox and nbc are both extremely bias with certain topics... nbc might as well have sex with obama they love him so much and fox wants to set him on fire... as far as mj goes theyre both idiots
  9. "being grown 24 hrs a day, dope on steroids" lol I could see parents watching this scared lol.
  10. dont assume he would trust them

  11. I didnt assume, i only asked :)
  12. When is the Faux News Network not spewing total BS !​


  13. Pot doesn;t kill people, drug dealers with guns and ammo kill people.
  14. that deserves some +rep hah
  15. When I was in 5th grade the D.A.R.E. officer came to my school and told me marijuana wold kill my brain cells, make me and addict and eventually move onto harder drugs like heroin... in Junior High my 7th grade p.e. teacher told me that marijuana contains more carcinogens then a pack of cigarettes... Now that im out of highschool looking back I see how easy it is for them to brain wash little kids.

    I told one of my girlfriends that I smoked pot after we were together for 2 months and she said "I cant believe you are stupid enough to try that" and broke up with me.

    I just think its funny how serious some people take cannabis... "its evil! blah blah blah"
  16. this is old sorry
  17. This video is bullshit. It's clearly not put out by FOX. Some other dude is doin the talkin.

  18. It's a guy commentaring it lol..
    This vid was soo horrible though.. :eek:
  19. I am not a big fan of fox or marijuana but I don't believe everything to what fox says, At some point marijuana is really useful and beneficial as this is said and experimented by some of the experts.

  20. If you're not a big fan of marijuana, then why are you here? :rolleyes:

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