Read this Hannity crops clip to claim Obama "decided to give 9-11 sympathizers a voice" in Cairo speech | Media Matters for America this is not biased, it's nothing but lies. \I made a thread awhile ago talking about how wildly inaccurate fox news was and i got back a million responses saying that every news network does it. Yeah to a degree but nothing like this, please show me a documented case where MSNBC or CNN misrepresented what someone said to this level. I understand the news is bias but fox takes it so far as not being biased anymore just reporting complety inaccurate things. Come on how can anyone take their news seriously. and before anyone starts no i don't hate republicans I just am not infavor of completly lieing to the american public by a mass media organization. Wouldn't you rather base your opinion of Obama on what he accualy is doing instead of only looking for evidence to support your what you already think?
Yes, Fox is far less concerned with facts and that pesky reality thing than other news organizations seem to be. I've watched and listened to some FNC show that will take 2 words out of a sentence, use it completely out of context and run with it for quite some time. Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc... all do it. But I will say that CNN and MSNBC are for the most part just as biased. They do it in different fashions however, and choose rather to selectively air very "liberal" stories rather than lie about them. Not only that, but their other programming and the way the speak is propagandizing itself. I'm proud to say that I am of neither party and really would rather shove a brain-eating slug as far as I can into my ear than listen to either side's bullshit. I came to this conclusiopn after an expirement I did. You see, my father had always watched CNN when I was a child, and to me FNC always seemed like crazed nutjobs. I was shocked to keep hearing people from the "right" saying that CNN was biased. I always like to consider other people' opinions, so I thought I'd try and see what they were talking about. Here's what I did and what you need to do: Quit watching and listening to the news completely for a about a week and a half to two weeks. Just distance yourself from the political for a while. Then, watch and listen to nothing and I mean nothing but Fox News or its people, be it Rush, Hannity or Savage. Listen to nothing but this for as long as you can. Hopefully it will be longer than 2 weeks. For me, it was about a month before I almost went crazy. Make a mental note of everything you are disgusted with, be it some smug remark, self-admiration, or just plain distruth. Turn back to CNN or MSNBC, and start watching. Make sure you watch for those things. You'll be surprised...
i cant watch either fox news or msnbc (especially than pencil dick motherfucker keith olbermann) without wanting to seriously go to their offices and tell them what cunts they are
It's quite clear to me that MSNBC has a strong liberal bias, CNN less so... I suppose it's true that they select more liberal-leaning stories from the ones available. All I know is this: on CNN at least, when there's an issue and commentators are brought in, each side gets a fair shake at discussing their points. The CNN host tries to move the dialogue along and rarely throws his/her weight around. On Fox, however, it's painfully clear who was meant to win the argument from the second it begins. I've taken to watching FNC in the past month, sometimes to get my blood boiling, other times just to see where another side is coming from. Here's what I've noticed; Glen Beck is, IMHO a very paranoid individual, and while some of the stuff he says is just bullshit through and through, some of the criticisms he makes about the administration are justified, and it's important to have voices of criticism out in the public sphere. Those asshats Hannity and O'Riely are of a different breed though... When they're not busy putting words in the mouth of any guest that opposes their viewpoint they're shouting at them at the top of their lungs. I'll give O'Riely one thing though... While Hannity's just a moron O'Riely is a smart guy; he definitely knows how to manipulate people into saying what he wants them to say in that he poses questions that throw his guests into a corner. Then when the guests try and verbally remove themselves from said corner he pounces on them, saying things like 'it's a simple question', etc. Smart, but a total asshole...
Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN are channels where "news" is an important part of what they do, however it isn't primarily what they do which is why ratings and advertising factor into all of this. All of them serve their viewers far more than they do any sense of "journalistic integrity," and I may be the only one that believes this but I don't have a problem with it. Fox News is serving a constituency that's paranoid, not very well informed or enlightened, and it tells them what they want to hear. The Republican Party--which is shrinking and mostly white--doesn't want to hear about diversity, talking to one's enemies, or even about programs they might benefit from. Their primary interest is to have their fears reinforced with daily doses of Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. It's kinda sad really, because in some ways I think such single-minded and small minded thinking makes some of their viewers as dangerous as or more so than the terrorists we spent the last eight years tearing down our Country to defend against. Such is the way of human nature because people would much rather be comforted than informed.
He acknowledged they all serve some agenda. But since you asked; MSNBC = Fox News for Liberals CNN depends on what program your watching. If you like Lou Dobbs it's a little more republican-esque, most of the other stuff is more liberal based. On the whole it's the least biased of the three but that's not saying a whole lot >_>
Is he trying to appeal to Muslims that are sympathetic to 9/11? By saying "but let us..." he is referring to himself and the sympathizers isn't he? This whole section seems addressed to them. I'd say it is a good political move to try and level with the large anti-American population listening to his speech. It's not like he's saying he agrees with their opinion. I think its called 'diplomacy' ? Hannity is lame because he meant it as an insult, and the lefter media is lame for defending Obama as if Hannity's insult is offensive. If giving them a voice means talking to them then why is that a bad thing? Do liberals now take the Bushian hardline "we don't negotiate with turrists" stance too?
for someone who watched fnc for 2 weeks straight you did't really absorb much, rush is in no way associated with the network, and neither is savage. so honestly i hope you lied about watching it 2 weeks straight of fnc, because you pulled 2 of those 3 names right out of your ass.
Fox news lobotomizes your brain, why would you listen to them, of coure every mainstream media outlet does so, but in a more subtle maner. Fox is just off the handle and appeals to peoples emotions rather than logic, hmm is that a form of social control, Idk Im not a russian scientist, but Ill take a guess and say IT IS!
I know that. But they are all dogs lapping out of the same bull(no not a misspelling). They all act on-air like THEY are the true "great american" and they hate eachother, but then they go on to say the same exact bullshit. They all three are part of the right wing propaganda industry of america. I used FNC as a name in the list with them just as I used CNN and MSNBC together. Hopefully you didn't think I meant they were part of the same company too. Sheez.
QFT. I stopped watching cnn, msnbc, and foxnews a long time ago because its dumb. there is not enough "news" to fill their now 24 hours news networks, which means more people talk about the same shit which means theres more of a chance for a mistake, spin, or general bull shitting. i watch c-span and read national journal and the washington post. i'm aware that these publications(not c-span) have a slight bias one way or another but at least its news. and once i'm done with it, i put it down and theres no discussion or wild goose chases, well no until sunday morning anyway. news has become such a part of the entertainment industry, what ever happened to people like edward r. murrow who'd just sit down, smoke a cig on air, and tell you how it fucking was.
First off, you know media matters was founded by Hillary Clinton, right? So, they are quite literally a white house tool. Second, those other networks you mentioned are just as fast and loose with the facts. The only difference is they cater to your political ideology. CNN is regularly getting called on lies and bullshit they spew. The same goes for NBC, MSNBC, CBS and ABC. Hell, Stephaopolis (ABC), Bagalla (CNN), Cooper (CNN) Williams (NBC), Lauer (NBC) and Rob Emanuel (The white house) have regular "talking point" meetings. What the fuck is that shit? In conclusion, you have a very Fox like view of views that you don't agree with. Fox exists as a response to a left wing domination of our media. Its been decades in the making. Even with Fox and Rush Liomabugh, its a little laughable to call them a propaganda machine. Especially when you consider Hollywood is also dominated by the more extreme left in this country.
DID YOU READ MY POST???? MSNBC, CNN, NBC are all the left wing propaganda industry. Fucking christ man, you're proving my point with your dumb reply!!! Selective hearing as a propaganda tool by those on the right. Read my first post that he was criticizing, please.
Really? I just dont understand this constant focus on Fox, when they are one network. We just went through 8 years of non-stop smear and spin from a much more powerful democrat media that wanted to torpedo Republicans. EDIT: I also don't understand how Hannity lied about anything in the OP. Could you explain it to me? I read the article, but I'm not seeing the lie or the clip.
Oh yeah. The news organizations all spew about the same amount of bullshit. The left wingers, however are much more subtle about it. You really have to pay attention to catch most of it. FNC really just isn't concerned with plain-out lying. They're there mainly to reaffirm their "silent majority" beliefs while the others are trying to convince the on-the-fencers to their side of their red-herring arguments. They all choose to ignore the real things though. The modern "news" is only there to get ratings.
Did you guys see the Daily Show when John Stewart made fun of this? He blasted all the media bullshit. When he pissed of MSNBC over the Starbucks thing it was fucking hilarious.