Using Big Bloom, Grow big and Tiger bloom, Im trying to back off on my feeding amounts as the recommended dosage seems waaayy to strong for my strain so I got a PPM meter. I was told by a friend to shoot for 500 PPM and use nutes every watering, so I mixed up a big batch (big to me anyways) targeting 500ppm and I used Fox farms recomeded dosage of nutes for 2.5 gallons but I added the nutes to 5 gallons of water trying to get half dosage and still got a real high ppm reading, had to add 5 more gallons of water just to get it down to just 700. To 10 gallons I added: 7.5 tsp of Big bloom 5 tsp of Grow Big 5 tsp of Tiger bloom end result: 700 ppm with a calibrated unit How much PPM are you guys running? Is this a really weak amount of nutes? Im just coming off a flush cause things were a little aggressive now everythings fine and its time to water not sure what to do.
Ok so if my math is correct Im at 1/4 dosage, I guess thats ok being I just came off a small case of nute burn, problem is now Im sitting on 10 gallons of 1/4 dosage for a small setup. Can I feed them this every watering?
I'm curious as to why you are feeding equal parts of grow big and tiger bloom? As far as strength, that should be fine since they are recovering. I feed twice that much every watering. I'm using coco though, if you are growing in soil it might be different.
just feed them the weak solution untill you run out. if they are handling it really well then you can just add more big bloom. also unless you are in flowering you shouldnt be giving the plants those.
I would toss that schedule they give you and go by your plants specific needs. I tried following there shitty schedule before and ended up burning my plants pretty bad. edit: that was in soil though, Im not a hydro guy at all, my B
veg 400-900 ppm, flower 1000ppm to 1200ppm. I am at 1350ppm right now on the 5th week of flowering my seven plants eat a 15 gal solution up in a dday and a half. I think im gonna go all the way to 1600ppm on this grow. wish me luck.
totally agree, when i use FF as my main nutes. I make my own solutions. There charts will have you at like 1350ppm for veg, lol.
Thanks everyone Yes I'm in soil, yes I'm in flowering stage. I'm ok with throwing out fox farm schedule I just need it to know what stuff to add at what week. They handled 700 ppm no problem it appears, I'll feed the 700 ppm solution every watering then bump it up some and see how it goes I guess.