I'm just curious how many people use fox farm products and how good of results they get. I'm using fox farms ocean forest soil which appears to be great but I'm new to growing and would appreciate any feed back.
I have been reading thru these forums for a few weeks now and it is my understanding that FF is a good place to start for the neophyte grower. If you are feeling up for it, I see lots of good things about Advanced Nutrients, but it seems that you will want to know more about what you are doing before going down that road. Personally, I am using the FF line and so far so good. Hope that helps a little...
Thank you. From what I was told their big bloom and other nutrients work well and don't seem easy to nutrient burn the plants but as always that can change. And the ff feeding schedule that was given to me for free is very easy to understand. But it also seems fox farm isn't very popular and I wanted to get some other opinions. Ff is easy for me to get in my area as well.
Fox Farms' product lines include the very same chemical salts like Calcium Chloride, Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Phosphate, Magnesium Sulfate, Phosphoric Acid, Zinc Sulfate, Potassium Chloride or Sulfate, etc. that are used by every other fertilizer manufacturer - grow store, agriculture, horticulture, mainstream nurseries - whatever. Read the labels - ain't a big deal regardless of whatever claims appear in their marketing materials or web site. It simply comes down to which product label has the most appeal for you. Beads, bells and bangles. Chemical compounds are chemical compounds. Potassium Hydroxide from Fox Farms is the exact same Potassium Hydroxide from Botanicare, Advanced Nutrients, whomever. HTH LD2
As for the popularity of FF check out all the online hydro stores. Some care this some carry that but all carry FF products. They would be fools not to. The hydro stores here in Atlanta are the same was well. Like LD2 said they all use the same ingredients just about but FF brand name stands apart from the pack not because there better or worse just luck of the draw. Kinda like everyone and there mama carries MG soil at there garden centers. Not good for MJ but Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, Walmart etc. They would be fools not to carry MG soil thats what everyone goes in to get for normal gardening and potting just about.
only thing ive used from ff is their happy frog soil and i absolutely love, will keep using it! i have a thread with my deep purple plant grown in it posted up, take a look!
i knew a pro grower who only used FF products, soil & ferts. he grew amazing plants. i personally use the FF Ocean Forest soil, slightly amended with a few things to suit my particular needs & assist drainage (perlite, a little sand, other soil), and i use the Flora Nova ferts (grow and bloom) from General Hydroponics. since i've been using this set-up i've had few problems, and my plants seem to love it! they're growing better than ever. i was having issues with a different soil mix, but when i switched to the Ocean Forest, i was able to save some bad looking clones. i transplanted to the good soil & they recovered so well that by the time they were into flowering i could only tell they had been sick by the red stem at the bottom, but the new growth on top of that was nice and green. a TDS meter really helped me control how much food they got each time, increasing slowly as they progressed. if it shows up, here's a pic of the plant i was talking about. hard to believe it was a sad looking, yellow, crispy mess about 3 months ago.
Your plants look very happy kozminski. I just have seeds from some nugs I bought and was very surprised to get any I haven't in a long time. But the high was great from the bud so as a early fail succeed trial I got some great seeds to start with
thanks! hey, that's how i started, with bagseeds. i'm still growing out clones from a couple bag seeds that i planted 2 years ago. sometimes they turn out great! i once got an ounce of cheap, shitty weed to use for cooking and it was loaded with seeds. i grew some of those out as an experiment, and my plants ended up being better than the original bag i bought. it still wasn't anything amazing, but not bad. if your original bag was good smoke, then the chances are good the seeds will give you good smoke
I am a huge fan of proper usage of if/then statements. Good Job! I am bag seed, with CFL and FF Nutes and everything is looking AWESOME! Post some pix for us so we can see where you are at. I probably use TOO MANY pics on mine... but I can't help it, they are such beauties. AND NOW... as a rule of thumb that can be expected, but you can feasibly get an awesome plant from a schwag bag seed or you can get some downtown brown from a bag of KIND. I think it has lots to do with nurture and only a lil to do with nature. My two cents today.