Four locos for dummies :)

Discussion in 'General' started by SuperSilverHaze, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. I know that everyone has probably heard/Drank a Four Loco, I mean what college scene hasn't? Theses things hit the shelfs around the country within weeks of the first sale, the word has spread that these are the new way to get your Crunk on:cool:, shit your good old buddy is probably filling his Walmart bought mini fridge full of these disasters as you read this. I dont know why anyone would mix a upper ( energy content) and a downer ( the nice 12.0% bac) in the same drink AND SELL IT?! Hello Mr.Loco didnt your mother ever tell you to never to mix those two things? i mean people that never touched a substance in their life know that golden rule. No one really knows how bad these really are, for all you know i could just be ranting; but let me tell you i do know what im taking about. Four locos recently got Pulled off every shelf in my county ( i would say state wide but i dont know for sure) Yes, they are being pulled off the shelves. Why? well after a bit of college drinking mayhem people starting to discover their beer pounding buddies where passing out after only a few FourLocos. Guess what, You can die if you consume more then 4 in one hour. A student at Bloomsburg University died doing so, They are very strong and strenuous for your body, ( the energy speeds up your heart, and the alcohol slows it down, so your hearts like wtf mate?). Men shouldn't drink more then three in a four hours. Women shouldn't consume anymore then 1. Now go yell that at the your next party and see how many people take you seriously. Ive seen a 350lbs man cry for his mom after drinking 5 Fourlocos in a hour, it was a mess.
    I know for a lot of people this is a pointless read, but if you at least walk away and remember some of what i said and put it into consideration the next time your out, then i did my job.
    Im tired of Cleaning the Puke, Baby Sitting, and dealing with the terrifying blackouts because of these fuckers. They are strong, dont Fucks with more then two, EVER! plzzzzz.
    Stick to the Keg stands and Jello shots :smoke:
    -be safe, Supersilverhaze

    and i know its loko, not loco, sorry
  2. You can die if you eat too many Nilla Wafers.

    So what...
  3. There's talk about banning them, sparks and any other caffeine-alcohol hybrids.
  4. 4locos are becoming so popular wtf? Nobody had ever heard of these things a few months ago now it seems like it's all kids drink...
  5. OP has clearly never had a speedball.
  6. #6 SuperSilverHaze, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    exactly, Well you knoww us kids just love trends, no matter if we know ther serverity of what we are supporting

    example spice ( or k12, what ever that shit is ) it was on the market till a lot of kids starting to smoke it, turns out it causes severe respiratory problems and can cause cardiac arrest. :( fuckshits
  7. That's kinda scary me and my buddies drink these all the time...
  8. How does anyone manage to drink more than one or two? They taste like crap, and one fucks me up pretty good.
  9. Well no shit the dude died. Four in one hour?? Two four locos will get me fucked for the night.
  10. my friend had 3 in one night.

    friends mom found him the next morning on top of the kitchen table passed out with his pants down. and a puddle of piss next to him. and yeah, she had to pull his pants up. :p

    oh and this is a little tid bit from a friends fb status

    Four loko's name is derived from its four other ingredients, caffeine, taurine, guarana, and wormwood, an active ingredient in absinthe. Awesome
  11. you couldnt pay me to put that shit in my body
  12. I drank 3 and 4 beers in 1 night. i was drunk as shit then smoked a blunt... i didn't throw up at all and i'm only 135 pounds....

    It isn't good for you though but idk why you would be dumb to drink 4 in a hr
  13. You gotta admit,'s the cheapest way to get wasted.
  14. Yo thanks for this meaningless thread.
    You could have just put "four lokos are strong, be careful with them or end up a fool" but you wanted to write a whole story. Theyr just a drink, a strong one, and just like any drug you can over do it and regret it. Drink a fith and take a bottle of no doze tell me how it goes;). You should know if you can handle what your putting into your body and it is no one elses problem. Chill out we dont need them to be banned so they cant hurt us anymore:rolleyes:
  15. nah mayne beer is sometime cheaper than water at 711 haha

    2 32's for $3 hell yea

    a bottle of dasani costs like 2 bucks ahaha id rather buy a nice cold beer
  16. orange sparks for me.
  17. 4 beers in a night isn't even close to four loko status haha i weigh 145 and have killed fifths/12 packs to myself. Around here we do the edward loko hands challenge, it's like edward 40 hands. That shit blacks you out like no ones business, definitely takes a toll on you. But my organs were destroyed during pledging so it's not much to me as long as i stay in generally good shape.
  18. As 5'-5'1 person, half of a loko gets me on a pretty good level. One time I almost drank a whole can, pissed orange and had the shakes the next day. They're just so friendly to the college student's budget..
  19. Yup, get 2.50, bout to cop a four loko! haha best college deal for sure. 12% alc in a 24 oz can.
  20. Im 6'2" and i aint afraid to admit my girl can keep up with me drinking these. I really like them and everyone in collage seems too, you just cant be stupid and try to drink allot of them. If you have ever drank one it is obviuous they are something else. Be careful but they are a good cheap drink.

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