Found some old flicks from my graffiti days

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by phantomxrider, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 phantomxrider, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    I used to be into the bombin' culture way back in the day. Living near Atlanta and south of Macon, I'd see some pretty sick shit. I got into it after my friend ALONE showed me the ropes. He's still out there spraying but I've settled out of it.


    One of my first designs, although the piece itself isn't all that old

    My first collab. We had some good days at this bridge. Every 30 mins or so a train would come thundering by and we'd throw rocks at it while watching the other art roll by. Fucking great spot.

    Who doesn't like a little sticker bombing?

    With ALONE

    LOL The first straight letter piece I did. How grimy...."Need to borrow some brown paint?" They had buffed our pieces off that wall earlier, hence the mismatched brown. We came back the next week and threw up this.

    And of course, just a basic throwup

    Work in progress...

    My favorite piece. Such a fucking bummer it got covered up by some toy kid named "Juice."
  2. Holy shit dude! That is clean as fuck. I don't know too much about that kinda art but I would say 10/10

    I mean look how real those drips of paint look off the lettlers.
  3. Thanks bud. Alot of the pictures up there were just spur of the moment things thrown up with spare paint, hence the weird color combos lol. But the ones at the bridge....yeah those were the fun ones. We'd go down to Lowe's, buy a gallon of paint and a roller, and go ham on the wall until we'd have a blank canvas. Those walls are constantly changing; there's some really sick shit down there.
  4. I use to know one guy that was into that hardcore, he would always hit up trainyards at night.
  5. That's some ultra clean work. Really dig the alone in the last shot too. Great stuff, would love to see more.
  6. I love these! I've always loved looking at cool grafiti and wished I was artistic enough to throw something into the world that people would appreciate, but I'm not very artistically inclined, haha. You should get back into it, these are really nice
  7. this is toy. i will call out toys forever.
  8. lmaoo

  9. Yep, was never serious about it. What's your shit lookin like?
  10. Shit, give him a break...yeah, he was kinda wack, but i don't think he put in much work, so how the hell was he supposed to get better? you all started being toys, and you probably are still toys, it's a toy move to call snother writer are a toy until further notice.

    Anyways, pretty clean for a starter, you were just trying too hard, you gotta start from simple letters.
  11. Yeah I was never really "into" it, the graffiti that is. It was more of the memories and shit that I miss, running around town late at night hitting walls and chillin at the bridge.
  12. I think its sick man, even if you don't get respect from the "hardcore" crowd.

    Always cool to look back on old work and memories

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