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Found old weed should i smoke or not?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by masterzz, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Hi, i store my weed in a motherboard box so basically i was lookin for any leftovers cuz im out of mj atm and i found about 2 gr at the bottom of the box, my question is should i smoke it or not? (I can't risk any lung infections due to my longterm smokin cigarettes my lungs are already damaged enough) pls help :)
  2. Check for mold on it, If not its probably fine to smoke if it hasn't been there for too long
  3. smoke it and if you dont like it before u finish stop smoking it but at least try it
  4. I'd smoke it.
  5. i dont think theres any mold on it but i cant really be the judge of that cuz i havent seen mold on weed so far, no black/grey parts looks fairly normal smells normal also probably 1-2 months old, well guess i'll just toke it up and be back with an update in about 30 mins :D thx for the fast replies guys :)
  6. Are you kidding me? Smoke it! Lol.
  7. yeah smoke that shit! i found old weed that was in my room for a couple months and i smoked it. it was lower quality weed that i just tossed in a book bag and forgot about. but it came in handy when i was dry.
  8. Any clue how old it is? If it looks fine and mold free I'd go for it. If you are really worried about your lungs you could always make firecrackers with it.

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