It probably got rained on. And it wasn't in a baggy it was just wrapped in a peice of paper because I lost it on the way to my car to smoke it. AND there was a hole chewed in the paper. Damn squirrels. Should I smoke it? It's actually pretty dried out now. It's not wet but it's more moist than it was when I bought it (lol it's some dried up middies). It's not moldy. It actually looks fine. It was sitting right on the side of a path. Been there since like wednesday... lol.. probably been passed by like 3000 ppl since then, noone even touched it (besides the squirrel). I couldn't believe it was there when I passed it today. Think it's still good smoke? I don't know if it's rained since then or not but like I said it's not really wet, just damp. And not damp as in wet cloth damp, just... not completely dried out. I didn't plan on smoking it until I opened up the paper and saw the weed was still intact. WHAT TO DO!? Think it's safe?
Well, I'd cure it for a couple days, and check for mold. If you can't find anything wrong with it, light that shit up *****!
hahaha! nice dankone! i think that decided it for me! . I aint even gonna cure it, it seems like i can still light it OK.
The paper is yellow where the weed was... but idc. I'm rolling the blunt now. When I get back I'll tell you if i still got high because this is a nice size blunt.