About a year ago i rolled up a fatty, and left it on my desk. When I came back from the bathroom i couldnt find the fucker anywhere. Well anyways, today i was looking for something in my dads dresser. and what do you know , my joint was in my dads underwear drawer lol . I'm lightin it up now! Yeah I know cool story bro.
I was cleaning out my desk drawer and found a month old nug. I was out of tree too so it was like a gift from the weed gods.
While on vacation in florida last summer, i go out front of the hotel to smoke a cig. When im finished i put it out in the ashtray. I happen to notice an irregular butt in the tray, thought "nah it couldnt be", then decided to investigate. It was a freakin blunt roach. Twas a great night that night indeed
i didnt really think about that haha. he always gives me shit for smoking though, so i dont know about that.
That's because you're probably under and and he's just looking out, you should ask him about it. I doubt he kept your joint in his underwear drawer for a year..
"Hey dad, i know you give me shit for smoking cause im underage...but the other day i went to get your gat so i could show little Tommy how to shoot and i stumbled across this fatty i rolled when i was younger, i smoked it was it yours? " "no, you're grounded til you're 18" on a serious note, if he smoked ganja, he'd have more than 1 joint, he'd have a sack..papers..some accessories at least. I bet he took your joint back when, and hid it so you couldn't smoke it, didn't bring it up due to awkwardness, then forgot about it cause it blended in with his whites and was under everything out of the way of his clothes.
I never said anythig about telling his dad he smoked it haha. I mean what you said makes sense, and is most likely the case but I like to think outside the box so..
lucky find man! My dad conviscated a quarter sack of mids that was in my drawer last summer. Before I found out he came back into my room and said I could keep it, but be responsible. I was like "wtf", and checked my drawer to see if i had 2 haha I thanked him a lot!