Temperature Chart - Vape Designs Vape Designs I don't vape, but i thought this was pretty interesting. can anyone vouch for this as fact?
That's a great first post, I haven't seen that and that chart actually sounds very accurate. I don't have a vape with a temp readout but the ones I've used tend to be used 375-410 or so. Welcome to gc, jake!
I've seen charts with many more boiling points of molecules from the cannabis plant. Not that great if you ask me...
ahh interesting. I'm usually vaping at around 290-320.. looks like I'm gonna try some 365 and get sedated tonight lol. I just hate how it tastes burt when you vape at higher temps.
Draw speed of inhale on a lot of vapes would vary the temp quite a bit, several vapes don't have temp readouts, and several that do are not very accurate.
the chart is obviously intended for advanced vapes with accurate temperatures. ill test it eventually. waiting on medical in CT, hah
I usually vape purely shake so it burns a bit quicker. Also it's an easy vape so the temperatures aren't always a 100% lol
I dont vape but still intresting I want a vape but oh man they can be pricey and alot of stuff I hear about them makes me more edgy (Lead and poisonous metals)