Found 2 oxy 30's! First time!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by longsword525, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. People don't like to snort things. I don't get it either, but people do what they want.
  2. #62 Bloodheart, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009
    Intranasal administration has 40-67% bioavabality while oral has up to 87%. All you have to do is smash up the OC to bypass the XR effect.

    He is a naive on 60mgs of OC. That is a very high dose for someone with no tolerance.
  3. I have tried vicodin before isn't that hydrocodone? so i might have somewhat of a tolerance.
  4. Mind if I ask how this works? I mean I would think since your nose is connected to your stomach, anything you didn't absorb through the capallairies (sp) and whatnot would be swallowed?

    Sorry for possible ignorance.
  5. I'm not quite sure how it works. I know some of the stuff you snort can drip into your lungs while other parts can drip into your stomach.
  6. #66 poseidon0513, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009
    Intranasal drug delivery works much the same way as ingesting a drug orally in that the nasal mucosa (and oral mucosa as well) has a large number of blood vessels with just a thin, moist membrane separating them from the outside world. Water-soluble drugs in particular can pass through the mucosa and be quickly taken up by the underlying capillary blood vessels. For drugs that are not water soluble or are very large molecules such as insulin the process is less efficient, but can still be accomplished by tweaking the pH, the delivery solution, or other factors.

    There are some big advantages to intranasal delivery. First of all, it is fast. Another big advantage is that drugs that break down in the GI tract (such as the aforementioned insulin) can be given this way. Yet another advantage is that many drugs that are absorbed in the GI tract are partially metabolized by the liver before reaching the rest of the body (first pass metabolism). This effect does not occur with intranasal medications. In effect, many medicines work faster and better when given intranasally.

    So why not give everything via the nose? First of all, it can be uncomfortable. Anything that differs significantly in pH or osmolarity from the normal conditions in the nose will sting. Also, the speed of onset is often less important than the duration of action for drugs that you want to last a while. Finally, there are some drugs that have active metabolites (generally formed in the liver) that are responsible for all or part of the drug's effect. These drugs will obviously have less of an effect than if they were given orally.
  7. still peaking? just chill and don't fall asleep or you could obviously die
  8. Feel like peaked 10-30 mins ago and feel like coming down. When can I sleep?
  9. Yup, I'm hating on the snorting. The shards that are likely to be found in the powder DO damage the nasal cavity (yes, not hardly to the extent that blow does) and the fillers etc. that compose the pill will now remain in your lungs and be the potential breeding grounds for health complications. Also, the rush that accompanies insufflation has been noted to exemplify the early stages of addiction. I've railed many pills myself, just trying to help out an obvious rookie by avoiding a few potholes.
  10. Only a rookie at opiates. Everything else I have a basic-advanced understanding of it.

    Can I go to sleep?
  11. Hahaha, what the hell.

    I did 2 Oxy80's my first time and didn't die or throw up.
    It was like a body massage for 8 hours.
  12. You blew or chewed up 2 OC80s the very first time you did any opiate? I find that hard to believe. Did you swallow the pills whole? Do you weigh 250+ pounds? I've heard of stranger things but 160mgs to a naive is pushing the limit.
  13. Still feeling good! No throwing up or anything. Body is super numb.
  14. Goodness all this talk is making me want to take all the percocets i have right now. If it werent for the money stoppin me i sure would.:D
  15. I would say that I loved getting high off of OC! Only bad part- itchy skin? Idk if I'm allergic but I wouldn't say it's an allergic reaction
  16. Phew so itchy. So much fun
  17. Haha funnily enough you were the first poster on my thread about it:
  18. i love opaites
  19. mmmm 2 blues... those are nice, be careful though I ended up doing those for a couple years

    On a good note you got the Ms which always seem to come on stronger, not quite as good of drip though.

    I like the R215s better but Ms are good too.

    You should be fine to do both though, my first time doing them I had no clue what they were and did 5 of the 30s. I felt a little sick but I was fine.

    I've seen my dealers do 10 of those in a line before.

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