Dear Members, From today on also users of can make use of the City. So don't be surprised if people will refer to instead of grasscity. Let's hope this will bring more members, more knowlegde and most of all more fun! Peace SJ
Yeah, what's the deal with your avatar Hank! Getting out of jail soon? Remember to stay away from animals! "WTF are you talking about BPP?" I can hear you think me dear Nubbins. Check out:
thats the same guy who made the trailor trash site on my old address and FYI bpp..his names THE ICE CREAM MAN!
Hey, didn't mean to hit a touchy subject! But if a picture is worth a thousand words, your avatar is worth a few thousand more. But which words? I haven't a clue.
Lucky you Nubbin, now you have someone like you to share your past experiences with, someone you can really relate to
yeah...HANK....hows it goin..HANK...still drive that minivan...HANK?!....yeah uh huh, thats right, i figured out your name..when you transpose the axle coordinates or the parabolic sytematic decompression of NuBBiN its chicken sprinkles reconfigure on the LCD to accumulate multipicularaticly as HANK!....YOUR NAME IS HANK...!