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Fort Wayne Tokers!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by zakkm_113, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. So I moved to fort wayne a couple of months ago and am really liking the variety of shit that i can find here, both weed and other fun stuff. Just looking for more like minded psychonauts and stoners around town
  2. What's up man. Fort Wayne, Indiana? I live 20 minutes from there.
  3. What's good brah. I get my shit in ft Wayne, live across the border in Ohio. Bout 25 mins outside ft Wayne.
  4. I'm right by Fort Wayne.
  5. Unfortunately in the UK here, but I seen your sig and it made laugh hard, great stuff man
  6. Moving to Fort Wayne for college here in a few months!
  7. 25 min from ya....
  8. been here my whole life! :smoke: has a lot of real good memories too
  9. Well shit! I had no clue we had a community around here. unfortunately I cant talk about all the endevors that we do at our place since pandora's box was taken down, but PM me you guys and lets get something going
  10. Hey man! I created an account here just cause I've been looking for cool people forever around Ft. Wayne.

    People should hit me up! Always looking to kick it. (msn)
  11. I live in Fort Wayne when im home from school. At Ball State right now.
  12. I'm gonna be attending Indiana Tech in the fall. Anybody going to be as well?
  13. Laziest DEA Agent ever.
  14. Lol are you kidding me? Yea that probably came out wrong on my first post. But I'm just a dude trying to meet people of like minds. Been in Ft. Wayne for awhile and it's hard to meet people when you think the worlds insane.

    If you don't wanna be friends then fine, but don't think I'm a fucking DEA agent lol.

    Just a LSDMT Psychonaut looking for a cool group to chill with.

    Suppose all stoners are paranoid schizz ;)
  15. Yeah I've been doing a lot of experimentation with "the spirit molecule" as one might call it. Talk about fucking mind blowing
  16. And also sorry bro but you just searching "fort wayne psychonauts" the day after i posted this and your brand no bueno in my book
  17. It is mind blowing. Makes you wonder if this reality is really real....

    Anyways, it seems as if people think I'm a cop or something. So, if you'd like to make a new cool friend hit me up, if not w/e.
  18. Seriously, me too.
  19. ok so this guy who we thought was a cop turns out to be chill as fuck. But still saying we should all network and see if we can all help each other out

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