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forming Hash/Resin into a ball?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Sceaspit11, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. 90% of the time people talk about smoking/making hash or resin, they form it into a ball. how does that work? i've never tried with hash but when i try with resin its just a really sticky mess and ends up making my hands look like i put them up my ass, and i still cant form it into a ball :[
  2. lmfao @ hands looking like you put them up your ass
    with resin use a bobby pin and just stick each piece onto another, with hash scrape it and put it all together with a knife or razor

  3. If it's shattery and very firm, you can get away with using cold or even warm fingers to roll a ball, although it's not always pretty.

    If it's more of an oil or taffy-like consistency, I like to scoop or scrape it up on a dabber, then heat an inch behind the blob, and let it roll either onto my herb or into my little concentrate bowl. I'll do it with shatter as well, turning the little shards back into a solid translucent drop with heat... a little can vape on the way when doing the latter, if you're not careful, but not much. :)




    Starting to vape/combust with a hot glass wand, then pulling back to create some expansion with trapped vapor...
  4. Are you really thinking that resin out of your pipe is now hash?
  5. You must be doing it wrong

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