Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfield now says democracy in Iraq is unrealistic - CNN reports

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Fascinating.
    \n\nWashington (CNN)Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld now said that the goal of creating a democracy in Iraq was "unrealistic" and that he was "concerned" when he first heard the idea floated by former President George W. Bush, a stark admission by one of the Iraq War's biggest defenders.

    "I'm not one who thinks that our particular template of democracy is appropriate for other countries at every moment of their histories. The idea that we could fashion a democracy in Iraq seemed to me unrealistic. I was concerned about it when I first heard those words," Rumsfeld told the Times of London last weekend.

    100 moments from the Iraq War 100 photos
    </div>The comments mark a rare departure for Rumsfeld, who has been one of the staunchest defenders of the Iraq War started by Bush, but also a sharp critic of President Barack Obama's handling of it.
    Rumsfeld also raised broader concerns that the global nation-state system faces a threat of replacement by Islamic caliphates and said that NATO and the United Nations may be unequipped to handle threats from Islamic extremists.
    Rumsfeld, who served as Bush's defense secretary from 2001 to 2006, said that removing former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was a mistake because it destabilized the region, but defended the decision to eliminate Saddam Hussein.
    The Iraq War and concerns over Middle East stability have returned to the forefront of the national debate with the ongoing battle with the Islamic State, or ISIS.
  2. Wait. Wut?

    Dis he just admit ron Paul was right about foreign policy?

    No waaaaaaaaay....

  3. #3 Green Wizard, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2015
    Yeah. They'll throw me in jail for possession of marijuana, but the entire Bush administration? Sure, what they did was perfectly legal. No indictments or jail time of any kind for committing those war crimes and misleading the entire nation, ruining America's image and credibility.
    As a wise man once said...

  4. ill bet bush has done his share of the herb

  5. I remember during the run-up to the Iraq invasion, some columnist (probably libertarian) made the point that who knows who will come into power if you destroy the existing state? They could be worse than Saddam (assuming that Saddam was bad in the first place).
    LOL @ "nation building."
    i raise you a 1994 dick cheney

    I'm out...
    Yes, I remember sitting in a bar in February 1991 (were you born yet?) watching on TV as they were wrapping up the Gulf War. Later, Daddy Bush? or Powell? Schwarzkopf? said that they never had any intention of going all the way to Baghdad because they wanted to leave the existing power structure in place.
    That was then.
    It all changed with 9/11 and Dubya, and all the state mouthpieces parroted the official line that Saddam must be taken down.
    The columnist I referred to was going against the popular official opinion at the time in '02 or early '03.
  10. Um, this revelation of his came about 13 years too late.

    So this conflict cost thousands of lives, over a trillion dollars and a destabilized Middle East and he gets to just say "ooops" then go back to drinking wine and watching Dancing With the Stars?

    Meanwhile a mom with Crohn's disease is facing 30 years for smoking medical marijuana.
    Who are you talking about?
  12. Bush Administration should be prosecuted.  There needs to be some accountability.  
    Was I born yet?!  LOL
    My uncle was in Desert Storm. My dad and I had to pick him up from JFK airport. My dad met Dee Snider there, I didn't know who he was but my dad got his autograph...  Way back when you could go right up to the gates without a ticket and without a problem...
  14. Along with every administration back to Lincoln and probably before. Lincoln is just the first tyrant I can think of.
    Sorry, I didn't write that to sound like an asshole, and it seems you didn't take it that way anyway. [​IMG] Peace bro!
    But I realize, as I approach my 65th BD in August, that the vast majority of people on GC could be my kids or even grandkids, and a good number of them WEREN'T born yet during the first Gulf War. [​IMG]
    I love this website and all the peeps here (and the males in a non-gay way of course. Not that there's anything wrong with that . . . )

  16. Bush admin. could've been much more successful in their attempt to justify the Iraq war by dissolving "Iraq" and instead creating three new nations. instead of trying to instate an ideology tht's barely working in the west
    A strong leader can hold together a nation no matter how big of a dick he is. Take the Balkans as an example. Six territories consisting of religious ethnic groups tht despised all the others. These ppl were destined to hate each other yet under Tito they lived in peace and harmony
    Iraq was going to fall eventually. As soon as the Saddam dynasty had burned it's last human body the nation would've fallen into chaos
    U.S. could've instead created new nations, made people happy, self sufficient and make them compete over oil sales
    but what can u expect from conservatives. the Bush administration is after all the retarded administration
    Yup, agreed.
    But, practically speaking, it is impossible to prosecute the C in C for starting wars. Or even lying about it. They always find an enemy, or create one if one doesn't exist, and by the time the media gives them a hand beating the war drums, the citizens are clamoring for war.
    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. -- H. L. Mencken, (1880-1956)

    In war, truth is the first casualty. -- Aeschylus, Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC - 456 BC)

    Notice: As powerful people move out of politics as they get old and are no longer a political liability to their party, are in nursing homes, become senile or die, the truth often comes out about them by others who were in the inner circle at the time.
    There were several instances of this during my lifetime, after the Vietnam War, although I can't think of any examples at the moment (senility setting in probably). Maybe the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Mai Lai Massacre, etc. Too lazy to Google.
    no harm done, i just thought it was funny is all.  i couldn't help but laugh

  19. The criminal in charge??

    Man, I would love to sit down with you and bullshit for a while over a few beers and bowls. I love talking to the older guys that have seen more of the tragedies that inevitably come from government and were smart enough to realize what was and is going on. Lots of wisdom there.
    Okay, great. [​IMG]
    Haha, another of the countless great clips from Seinfeld. I love his type of word play/humor.

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