Former DEA heads and UN urge WA and CO to repeal legalization.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by RonPaullegion92, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Governments should fear the people, not people fear the government...
  2. Idk what goes on in Canada but Americans are conditioned to fear authority from an early age, were basically domesticated humans.
  3. It will get repelled, Obama is a piece of shit and does what he wants. Idc as long as it's continues ot be allowed for medical use.
  4. Has the UN ever made comments on Amsterdam or other like places when they changed? It's understandable that they don't like it if it's within some terms but if those other places have kept on doing it I don't see why the USA won't.
  5. ^^^
    Amsterdam closed almost 40% of its coffe shops a few years ago. Idk if the UN had anything to do with it.
  6. #27 ocsurfer, Apr 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
    No country has legalized marijuana, so there has been no violation of the Single Convention Treaty by the Netherlands (or Portugal for that matter) in regards to marijuana.

    "Decriminalization" and "tolerance" are not the same as outright legalization.

    The intent of the UN treaty is to prohibit production and supply of controlled substances. Neither the Netherlands nor Portugal, as sovereign states, are producing or supplying marijuana.

    Not according to reports (and I'm not sure the percentage is 40%...?). The crackdown on coffee shops was to prevent people in bordering countries from travelling to the Netherlands for marijuana to bring back to their home countries. I've never read anything that indicates the UN had anything to do with this crackdown (more likely political pressure from conservatives in the government of the Netherlands).

  7. Lemme know how it is there. I was very close to moving there before they even legalized. Now im just kicking myself in the ass :(
  8. As I understand it, the deal with the Netherlands and closing of shops was the result of conservatives gaining political office. It had nothing to do with international politics. They had a plan to make it so only residents would be able to go to coffee shops, but that eventually got shot down.
  9. ^^^
    Ok your probably right I just remember hearing they were closing shops left and right.
  10. The Cheif of state police in Indiana wants his state to legalize. The wave is racing toward the shore, and were just seeing the last of the old bathers refusing to get out of the water. It's all about money; as soon as its profitable to grow and politically profitable to endorse, we will see rapid rapid shifts
  11. #32 Deleted member 571579, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
    America is land of the free and we won't stop until we know we can freely smoke weed without being under control by the corrupted government. Were not supporting your damn tobacco and alcohol corporations were not tolerating your damn pharmaceutical drugs. We want our freely grown plant put to use wither you fucks like it or not. It's been going on for generations after generations. It's time to put these bitches in line. Don't like it? Move to another country you fucks, we the people control this country not the government. If the majority of the population votes legalize it.

    That means fucken legalize it. I'm tired of these whiny bitches crying about weed being legalized. Other countries know we will be the leading import / export of hemp and cannabis which will benefit our country and actually put us back on our feet. They want the poor man to always be shackled. They hate to see the poor man enjoying life. Well fuck off, it's about time we run this country the way we want. Not the way you older fucks think it should be.
  12. ^^^
    I agree with you 100%
  13. i wish i could take over president obamas body for 1 minute, id get on national TV and tell UN try and take pot away from my citizens and we will march in and take away your booze, DONT FUCK WITH U.S.
  14. I just wanted to say RIP to the 12 people killed in the Boston false flag attacks today.

  15. This is exactly what does not get anyone anywhere. This is democracy, not anarchy. Your whole idea of "doing what we want not what you think we should" is counterintuitive to democracy lol. We elect them to run our country for us, it's not as if their motives in office are arbitrary.
  16. I hope other people have this sense of humor
    Fuckin goofs
    Get stoned and live
  17. America is a Republic based on the constitution, the war on drugs is unconstitutional. The founders hated direct democracy.

    ""A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."
    -Thomas Jefferson

  18. You forgot the part where you make him resign.
  19. that old guy in the video kept repeating himself. He made no good points.

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