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Forgot to water plant in flowering

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NoaLeaF, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. So I went to water the other day and them decided to wait 1 more day so i my head I watered for some reason and in reality forgot to......just noticed today the leaves were all drooped when the lights were on then lifted the plant and realized what had happened....I feel like the pistils are more orange than yesterday at a more rapid rate than normal...could it just be its maturing or maybe from not watering for an extra day....I believe these are 5 weeks in flower you could see little bud sites april 1st...Im also unsure how much longer these need other than the famous trichome test. The taller plant is the one I forgot to water with the long cola....short bushy guy is lilac diesel
    56F7E91C-806D-4399-B4D7-D1770A3D6DA4.jpeg 72A99C3B-CAFA-41EF-87CD-70B5AD24DB16.jpeg 494DE454-E7A1-4D04-91C1-E948EE3DA5F2.jpeg
  2. Ya when they have some water stress the pistils can turn orange. It’s not a ripeness thing. They will recover no problem.
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  3. thanks....can you tell from either of these if they are ready?

    Attached Files:

  4. judging by the pictures in the first of this thread seems you still have awhile to go. cannot always tell simply by trichomes.. matter of fact check the thread in my sig.
  5. There might be a few more orange pistils. It's from the stress of not being watered. It'll be OK. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Just like an extended light deprivation before harvest or a few cold nights a little stress can be a good thing.
  6. Looks like they have 4-6 weeks to go

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