Foreign zombie movies

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Purp Skurp, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Just watched it and wow it's one of the better zombie movies I've seen. It's about this guy that's in the uk reserves and video tapes what happens to him kinda like the George Romero movie diary of the dead. So he's in this group of reserves trying to get to the coast to get a ship and leave the uk. Good movie you guys should see it, although the zombies were really slow like they barely moved.
  2. dead snow was one of those films which has a good first 30 mins and then just gets ridiculous......cant remember exactly but there were some seriously dumb things in that film

  3. When he falls into that ice cave and finds all the weapons and he puts the machine gun on the snow mobile and saves his friends and mows down all the zombies.
  4. is it English? if so ill check it out.

    edit: currently searching for a torrent for The Zombie Diaries 1 and 2.

  5. The horde is badass.

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