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Forbid Overdose

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by martin riggs, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. I've made a huge mistake. I sprayed Forbid 4f (in order to control for russet mites) a few hours ago. But the solution I used was too strong.

    I used less than 1 quart when spraying, and have since doused them with a couple gallons of water to try to wash off or dilute any forbid that is still on the leaves. The solution was 10 drops forbid to 56 oz water. It should have been 2-6 drops for 56 oz of water. The plants are clones, just transplanted into 4 inch pots. I plan to rinse them with water again later today, and at least twice a day every day for the next 10 days. Forbid can take up to 10 days to be effective, and I'd like to wash off whatever I can.

    Advice is greatly appreciated!
  2. Realistically, this wasn't that much of a disaster. From the numbers you gave (2-6 drops vs 10 drops for the same volume of water), it was a minimum of 2x and a maximum of 5x more concentrated than it should have been. So by using anywhere from 1-5 additional parts (56-280 oz) of water, you would have reestablished the correct concentration amongst your clones. If at this point you've put in too much water, and say put in 10x as much water in order to try and save them, don't fret. Just wait a few days and watch their behaviour, report back, and Grasscity will help you microdose them from there.

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