He wanted living people to be dead-millions of them-and he wanted a lifeless world where people were more robotic then human. He craved absolute control, which is only achieved when people are inherently not human. There's little question that his orientation was toward death.
isnt nechrophilia having sex with dead bodys or some shit? i just think he wanted all the power he could.
In defense of Hitlers deceased self, and continuing image, Hitler did not advocate the death of innocent lives, he believed that villians of war were guilty and punishable by death, however his involvement in the irradication of innocent lives was put upon him. Hitler was a beautiful human being in life, he was a farmer and a bee keeper before becoming a military general, and he created a lot of artwork in his time. He loved Disney movies too. His social conditions are what made him into a monster, and he was inclined to hate himself. He was abused, but that is not so terrible a crime as the faction that he was born into, they were collectively subjected to racial discrimination, what Hitler vowed to combat was the Semite economic and government principles, and he sided instead with Protestant and Catholic morals and was quoted as saying that Martin Luther* was one of the greatest reformists of the present time, yet his religious views were quite confused. In defense of myself, I am submitting this information only based on personal studies and recollection, and maybe according to controversy contain errors in my analysis. However, Hitler was a deeply connected figure to history, and helped to bring a new source of understanding of Jesus' life and the events of the past into our own time. When I google searched Hitler Necrophilia though, I recieved no directed responses.
To preface: talking about Hitler is almost always a touchy subject, since so many people feel very strongly about the socio-political concepts his name brings up. I don't condone any of his policies, nor do I believe most of his ideas/beliefs. With that said, almost nothing in the OP is correct. Readers are most likely dumber for having read it, and the author is most certainly dumber for having written it. The (comedy) of errors begins in the very title, where the author misuses the word "Necrophilia" when they meant to use the word "Necrophile" or "Necrophiliac". Someone without the competence to properly conjugate the word "Necrophilia" really has no business offering their own opinions on historical psycology, another term the OP would most likely misuse.
Oh, southpark did an episode on this, it's called reading something that's not even there and making it an idea. Poop came out her tits and poop was poopy
He was talking about the other MLKJ. They just called him junior. Starting batsman for the Bitburg Bulldogs. Not the biggest hitter on the field but the most enthusiastic.