FOR those who use Fox Ocean Forest soil.........

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by potblower, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. what kinda nutes do u use and what exactly is your feeding schedule......would like to use the least amount of nutes as possible seeing how people say ffof has plently of nutes for the veg. stage.......whadda guys recommend?

  2. why don't you google the FFOF catalog online. i'm pretty sure theres a feeding schedule for it all.

    anyways im pretty sure FFOF soil has enough nutes for the first month of veg, you should look at their bloom products.
  3. ^ well thats the thing if u go by their schedule they'll make it seem like u need all this crap, i just want to see what u guys used and what works........i seen the feeding schedule and its says to apply 6 different of bottles of diff. kinds of nutes, even durin veg.
  4. I stopped useing the ocean mix awile ago becuase i found out i could make the same mix for half the price and get 10 times more if i did it myself but thats beside the point.
    When i did use that mix i would use Open Sesame for veg as directed, about every other time when watering, then their line of liquid ferts big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom in the directed order.
    All can be found here.
    High Tech Garden Supply
  5. ^ is their something simplier out there like this for veg. and this for flowering, doesnt even have to be ff...............? any ideas?
  6. Like i said i would use open sesame for veg, vegging isnt really as complex as flowering, their isnt really to many stages to it like their is flowering so you arnt going to find to many systems out their with different mixtures for the different parts of veg like their are flowering.
    If you arnt looking to spend that much on veg nutes i would suggest schultz, peters or scotts, any general 20-20-20 will do and all are in the $5-10 range.
  7. I only veg my indicas for three weeks and use no nutes. I start feeding 1 tablespoon per gallon Big Bloom, one tablespoon per gallon mollasis and one teaspoon 'bcuzz bloom stimulator every other watering up until two weeks before harvest. Never go by what ferts say on the bottle. Foxfarms Big Bloom calls for 4 tablepoons per gallon every watering. That's waaaay to hot.
  8. Unless I'm mistaken FF Open Sesame is used in early flowering to make it flower earlier? How does it work as a veg fert?
  9. I follow the fox farm feeding schedule from beginning to end, with my own twist on things (magical and hygrozyme). If you can't figure out what 1 tablespoon of big bloom and 1 teaspoon of grow big, and what week you are on, you either need to 1) stop smoking so god damn much pot or 2) just quit being a lazy idiot.

    At some point, you have to do your own work, that may include reading a chart.
  10. I go from clones to Ocean Forest don,'t fertilize tell 2 week of veg. I would suggest using Age Old Organics Grow , Kelp, Bloom at a 3-2-1 ratio. Then for Flower switch so your using 3 of the bloom 2 of the kelp and 1 of the grow. This works really well when fertilized every other watering. I 've also had good results using fox farm grow big at 1 tbls per gallon and big bloom at 2 tbls per gallon eventually cutting the grow big out all together. P.S. I use R.O. water.
  11. Alright.. i might be able to help you out.. in my last grow, i used a 50/50 mix of ocean forest and light warrior, i didnt need to use veg nutes in my last grow only the the bloom nutes during flowering.. it worked pretty well.. i watered them evry other day feeding them twice a week.. currently im using ready gro.. works alot better..but you need more nutrients.. you should look into it tho.. Ready Gro By Botanicare. good luck
  12. I used straight FFOF for 4 weeks of veg (added some Iguana Juice Grow at 2 weeks and burned them, so stopped nutes), when I switched to 12/12 I started them on Iguana Juice Bloom, they are loving it and growing fast!
  13. Listen to the words of this man!

    1/2 tsp of big bloom / gallon from sprout until second leaf set. One teaspoon of big bloom / gallon from second leaf set until the forth. IF you use hygrozyme, which I recommend with seedlings as it's only ever seemed to help me. I use it at 1 tsp / gallon from sprout along with the big bloom. If you don't use it, then it's not necessary.

    So once I have 4 leaf sets, which should take about 14-21 days I start using a veg nute. I use 1/2 tsp / gallon of Grow Big, along with 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom / gallon. I usually do that for one feeding, and by the time I need to give a feeding again, they should be decently established, from there I follow Fox Farms soil schedule full strength.

    I also use magical one every other nutrient feeding, and hygrozyme once every other week.

    I also don't switch to tiger bloom until the 12/12 stretch has stopped and they focus purely on flower production. But, I do use the salts that have a high content of P and K at that point which still help with begining flower production, and finishing up the last bit of vegetative stretch through the Grow Big.

    I basically just follow this:

    But with the above twists. I do use the salts as directed though, they do not change, only my spin on the liquid fertilizers. Along with the magical and hygrozyme.

    This is when growing in FFoF, or in hydro, except I just use the hydro schedule.

    This was from my last grow following the schedule above:

    Attached Files:

  14. ^ really u use that much nutes in veg.? i hear that FFoF in itself burns plants and requires very little if any nutes for veg.........bud look nice though

  15. Kinda wanted to add to this post.

    If you are going with Fox Farms, don't use HTG to purchase it from. has both trio's for a combined $50 cheaper than HTG. That includes shipping.

    Foxfarm - Brands - Nutrients & Additives
  16. Like I said, big bloom is not really a nutrient, it's only a "stimulant" as I like to call it. It's hard to burn your plants with it, plus it's the only FF nutrient that is completely organic.

    Big Bloom + hygrozyme = 4 leaf sets in two weeks = full on nutrients in two weeks.
  17. so the only one i really *essistial need is tiger bloom for flowering
  18. Sounds sort of familiar :D
    Where are the photos you mention in your signature?
  19. I've seen the pics they are the most massive buds I have ever seen... he had a cola may it rest in piece that weighed in at 5lbs wet unfortunately it got bud rot... It's in a titled thred "learn from do works mistakes"
  20. Thanks Deadman. Sad story though. Hate mold. :devious:

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