for those who read music

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by nuvio, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]

    does this blow your mind as much as it blows my mind? like damn.
  2. HOLY SHIT...
    is this a real song? if so i want to listen to it right now...
  3. its fucking aphex twin. the word professional was made for him.
  4. This is for the conductor...

  5. seems to me like a spoof since the score letters (A,B,C,D, etc) are positioned too closely and doesnt make sense because they are just a mark to help rehersals play at a designated spot in the song easier. like how the G and H are on the same measure doesnt make sense.

    even if it was a spoof, it still blows my mind.:smoke:
  6. This^^^
    You can tell its a joke, but still.
  7. I can't read music, but at the top it say Insert Peanuts which made me giggles and also made me question if this is real or not.

    But then again, it IS Aphex Twin.
  8. ITS REAL! Its different than reading music, you gotta stand and move the wand and make it look like your doing nothing. THE CONDUCTOR

    This isn't fake, insert peanuts is a musical term...
  9. People, it's a joke. There's no such thing as 3/6 time signature, among other things. It's also a demotivational poster, which is never a sign of absolute truth. Aphex Twin wouldn't be able to even read this:


  10. Acorrding to your reasoning herpies isn't real either, because its on a demotavational poster [​IMG]
  11. buuuuuuuuuuurn.

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