I got an appt to see an orthodontist for braces. How long after the first visit did it take before you had the braces put on? Is it a long process or pretty quick?
They usually do it in 2 steps,top then bottom or maybe all at once. And they suck a lot for like the first 2 weeks.
Ouch man, thats all I have to say. Have fun with the small cuts in your mouth, the pure tension in your teeth and jaw and over all miserability. Other then that, I dont remember.
Well for me they just checked to see how spaced my teeth were, gave me an estimate of how long I was going to have them and then put spacers inbetween my teeth (hurt like a bitch). Then a few days later I went back and they put the braces on. It's going to hurt, I'm not going to lie. Hurt like a fucking bitch, it also hurts every month when they tighten them. Are they worth it though? Yes. I didn't wear my retainers as much as I should have so I kinda have two gaps that came back (ffffuu) so I'm going to need those bitches back. Just do everything they tell you and you'll be fine.
If you're going there for the purpose of braces, they'll be on in a couple visits (provided you need them). As for smoking... you can, but make sure your brushing is exemplary. You don't want to end up with white marks where the brackets were on your teeth. They'll probably be able to tell if you smoke but they won't care at all if you take care of yourself and follow the directions they give you for whatever is in you mouth at the time.
I know its gonna hurt shit but I feel its worth it. And its nothing painkillers and weed cant help. I've wanted braces for awhile, I have a fucked up bite and my teeth just really bother me, actually causes some social anxiety :/
yeah you'll be able to smoke with braces your teeth will just be a little sore since well the braces are moving your teeth in line. It depends on the place you go to after the first visit you should know when you are getting them on and if you need top or bottom or both. They would most likely do them all in shot because if they are booked up its the easiest way. Watch what you eat and keep them clean or food, make sure you get a bunch of wax when you get them so you have more than enough when the brackets are rubbing. If the wire is too long at the back make sure you point it out, that shit will suck worse than brackets rubbing your cheek. Lastly dont give a fuck what people say about them, its a common thing to have braces these days.
they are a bitch.itll be quick.normally they take pics,then a mold of ur teeth.then theyll discuss everything they can do then do it.it hurts soooo much for a few days then it takes awhile for u to get used to em (talkin,eatin etc..)then u go every month to get em tightend thtll hurt for like 1-3 for me it only lasted a day for the pain.i got mine off early just do as they tell u n theyll be off and man its owrth it.good luck fella.
Braces sucked. Seriously. Applying wax to my teeth? No fucking thanks. Get em on and get em off quick, if youre lucky.
get a herbst, dude. theyre awesome. hey do you guys remember the little rubber band baggies with pictures of different animals for the different sizes or tensions haha
its a pretty long process took me like a year to get them on but i also had to wear another appliance before to widen my mouth. should take like 3-4 months minimum id expect 5 or 6. you can smoke weed afterwards they wont know or dont care. and itll hurt for about a week. then like 3 or 4 days every time you get them tightened. i reccomend you eat as much as you can after you get them on because they wont start to hurt til like 4 hours after you get them on
I have a really bad case of an under bite but no one notices.Imo,it's too late to fix so I thought the braces I had were a waste and tore them off myself and never looked back lol. Oh and btw it never hurt and I had them tightened a couple times,all it felt like was someone was squeezing my jaw for about 45 minutes...
A lot of people have already answered the time questions pretty well so I won't repeat any of it (though anyone who said "you'll have them on for this long" should keep in mind that it depends from person to person.. some people have em on for a few months, others for years). As far as my experience goes, when I first got them on, they sucked the most because I wasn't used to em and my teeth were all "fuck no dude, get this off... now..." But like others said, it should be a week MAX that they hurt, most likely less than that (very likely MUCH less than that). Every month you'll get them tightened and it'll hurt, but not as much. Just some discomfort pretty much, and it'll only be there for anywhere from a few hours up to the remainder of the day. The application process itself doesn't hurt, but it feels weird toward the end when everything's in place and it's pulling on your teeth. The glue and that stuff doesn't hurt, but it's bitter and tastes gross as shit. When they remove them, it doesn't hurt. Might feel a little weird, might not, that depends on the person. But it won't hurt. They'll grind the glue off (which also doesn't hurt, but if you feel some still there when they're done, TELL THEM). Then they'll buffer your teeth to even out any white spots that may be there. On my teeth, you can't even tell I had braces, so they're pretty good at getting spots off (and it may even lighten the overall shade of your teeth a bit, yay for free whitening!). Oh, do yourself a favor. Wear the retainers. I didn't wear them much, and now my teeth are all screwed up again. My orthodontist says I can chew on the retainer (it's a soft plastic-like thing that's molded to the shape of my teeth right after the braces came off). This will push them back into place, but it does it much quicker, so it hurts like crazy, so I don't do it... yet. Hopefully some day I'll stop procrastinating and chew on it for a few days to push them back into place. Anyway, just wear the retainer like they say. Good luck. They aren't as horrible as everyone says. They aren't fun, but certainly aren't horrible. I'd prefer them over, say, a filling any day. (Oh and yes you can smoke with them on. I did. I'd especially advise it the day of, or the day after, to help you not care about the discomfort.)
braces r expensive so i didnt get them. my teeth r kinda crooked by i dont really mind cuz they r not like uber crooked. but i think i would like to have straight teeth can u get them as an adult??
Before i could get braces I had to wear an appliance to make space for some fucked up tooth that wasnt growing in properly. Than I had to have surgery to expose that tooth, than I got braces to pull the tooth down into place. I had braces for probably 3-4 years, and still wear my retainer every other night to keep em in line. If they give you a choice at the end on getting a permanent retainer go for it, top and bottom. Having to put in a lower retainer looks like it sucks so much.
I hope you like yogurt because that's pretty much the only munchies you'll be having for the first week or two.