For those "FULL REP" mofos

Discussion in 'General' started by Cannibasity, Feb 8, 2011.

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  1. it seems that having full bars of rep... in a way enlarge a persons mental PENIS?.... is this true...
  2. Im not sure rep me and I'll tell ya one day lol.

  3. yes for every full bar'ed member here my own member gets bigger
  4. And highchicks epeen grew three sizes that day!
  5. it seems cool until the damn thing is dragging on the floor
  6. welcome to the land of green penis:D
  7. just addded to your mental penis
  8. i wear mine like a turban
  9. man everyone in here is flaunting a massive bar, i feel so left out

    i caught you dont you deny it
  11. I use my e-peen to bone all the other hot chicks on GC :cool: :smoke: :laughing:
  12. #12 clos3tgrow3r, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    bigger isnt always better

    sometimes people evags' are too short :(
  13. I've only gotten one gray rep since the like system came out. haha it's whatever I don't think rep means much anyways, same with post count

  14. you know i have pretty long hair

    perhaps you would like to bone me?
  15. I've forgotten what you look like.

    Perhaps i need another pic :D
  16. shit man i kNEW IT!!.... its an honer to be in the same thread with all these biiig penises :D...
  17. Oh.

    Yeah....that's not a leg.

  18. FISHIN FOR PICS EH?? i caught you dont deny it

    you cant forget a face like mine, its inconceivable

    oh look at this guy with his "enhanced" rep- makin us think hes got like 2 and a half billion rep- uh things

  19. if this was halo 3... you guys would 50s :D lol.... so many massive penises... mine getting their though... ive been taken extenz
  20. [​IMG]
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