A gun dose not kill A bad person kills Dose not matter with what Wanna ban knives too now? News from The Associated Press
the main reason i am against gun control is because criminals don't follow laws anyhow so they will find a way to get guns anyhow. so all taking away guns will do is make it impossible for law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals and the government.
I'd prefer swords and bows to guns, lets be honest they're more badass than guns. head cut off with a sword > head blown apart with a shotty
I finally figured it out & the solution is so simple. Just ban the Chinese, problem solved. Well it's just as good as any of the 'ban' ideas and will work about as well. Sometimes my brilliance just stuns me. Cheers
I do agree with you, I've thought for awhile that war should be reverted back to bows and swords. Any idiot can pick up a gun and fire at someone from feet, yards, or even miles away. It takes some actual gall to run up on someone and cut them down, nevermind the actual skill it takes to use a bow properly as well.
Calm down gun nut. I swear bearers of arms act like its their second penis or something. If so, there's other less dangerous ways you can compensate, lol.
I have to disagree with you there- I don't think there's anything more badass and beatiful than a ar15 or a colt m1911. I love swords/blades and bows but why walk when you can drive? Especially if your/familys survival is at stake? Cut off a guys head? I'm pretty fucking sure you don't even have the strength
A Sword Society would be pretty badass, and i'm sure someone will give up when they get their arm cut off
[quote name='"jdm_420"'] I have to disagree with you there- I don't think there's anything more badass and beatiful than a ar15 or a colt m1911. I love swords/blades and bows but why walk when you can drive? Especially if your/familys survival is at stake? Cut off a guys head? I'm pretty fucking sure you don't even have the strength[/quote] I'm pretty fucking sure if you have a really sharp sword then most people would be able to slice through a neck
You watch too much movies It's not so easy cutting the strong spine/bone not too mention the neck has a lot of strong muscle, You got to have a fucking heavy sword and a grip of upper body strength to break and cut thru it in one swing (oh let me clarify- I meant you can't do it in one swing, sorry i was not clear.
The world wont be safer without guns. The people need them to protect themselves, sometimes from their government too.
I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that you have probably never fired a gun, let alone been in the same room as one.
How come its completely illegal for me to buy hard drugs, when I only want to harm myself. Yet I can buy a gun legally and then harm as many people as I want??
You don't have the right to harm anyone, and that fact isn't changed by owning a gun. That's one of the most absurd things I've ever read on here, and that's saying something considering this forum is full of 14 year old kids stoned out of their skulls.
[quote name='"LightAnother"']How come its completely illegal for me to buy hard drugs, when I only want to harm myself. Yet I can buy a gun legally and then harm as many people as I want??[/quote] Wow..fail..
I'm not saying that I do have the right to kill people? I can buy a gun and shoot 5 innocent people with it. But if I shoot opium the worst thing I can do is kill myself. Its simple the risks of selling someone a gun I believe is a greater risk than selling them hard drugs.
guns no guns makes no difference society has always been just as violent before and after people act like wars and violence didnt exsist before the gun was invented
I'm all for allowing guns but that whole guns don't kill people thing is retarded. People kill people with guns. That doesn't mean guns should be banned but ^ that's just a stupid argument.