For the Anti-War People

Discussion in 'General' started by DeltaSquad187, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Not trying to start an argument or anything so please no comments like "they think there fighting the good fight", I just want to know why that's all.
  2. #2 BlazeLE, Jun 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2012
    because no one has the right to kill another person outside of self defense. invading a country and killing the people who live there isnt self defense. plus the only reason we are in all the wars we are in corporate interests. thats why we are fucking oil rich countries in the middle east but arent doing a damn thing to actual potential threats like north korea.

    some graphic content in this video when they start talking about chemicals and uranium.
  3. cuz their pussies
  4. What if we actually did go into a war with the intent of stopping a horrible regime?

    Would it be wrong to kill a small group in the self defense of millions who can't defend themselves?

    I don't think so, but we're not in war for the saving of people, we're in it for the rich people who want to get richer.
  5. I get what your saying, companies like KBR and many other contractors are making $$$$ with the wars going on. Iraq signed a contract with Shell in 2011 worth 7billion dollars for their oil and north korea continues to test its nukes, while Iran is making a nuke.
  6. also the amount of money the world spends on military in 8 days is enough to end extreme poverty in the world. if we could not kill each other for 8 days every year and instead put that money towards helping people the world would be so much better off...
  7. There is nothing wrong with going to war, if it is approved by the people and authorized by congress. The problem arises when we are occupying 150+ countries and spending billions of dollars fighting unauthorized wars that we have no business engaging in.
  8. If no one joined the military when Hitler was on his rampage we wouldn't be here right now, typing on our keyboards. I mean that is true lol.

  9. We have oil here.
  10. #10 FindingTim, Jun 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2012
    Life is precious, life is a miracle. We ought to all just be grateful to be alive. Yet we kill each other over insignificant bullshit (oil, money, religion, power etc.)
    War is the most primal, unnecessary thing I know. If there is a God, he's probably SMH.

    People fight over money or power or religious disagreements-- why can't they just be grateful that anything even exists and live their own life in peace? War is not just immoral and cruel, it is stupid- plain and simple. It is the solution of the small-minded.

    U.S. spending is so immoral and misguided it's sickening. We pump TRILLIONS into unnecessary warfare, yet fuck over education and health care. Who needs good education when you got GUNS? :rolleyes:

  11. I don't disagree, the question is why is it necessary to occupy countries in order to "import" oil?

  12. because we bitch everytime gas prices raise. our gas is cheap as hell compared to most of Europe. we go in, kill a bunch of people, instill an american backed dictator that will give us their oil (or other natural resources depending on where it is) for practically free, and leave behind a good amount of soldiers to defend our interests.
  13. I hate the thought of spending ap much money to kill people when there are children starving and dying. The money could go to much better things. Nobody should have to wonder if they will be able to eat that day or not. So much money.... so much potential for good.
  14. damn communist.

  15. Ya, I know the answer to the question. It's quite a sad state of affairs.
  16. A basic tank today costs... wait for it, over $6,000,000.

    Cooooool... How much does a gigantic green house, seeds, soil, etc... cost?

    For the cost of a single tank we could supply thousands of people with an endless food supply.
  17. Money, Power, and Greed

    We don't know how much time we have left on this Earth, I believe that if one person can live in peace then everyone else can but with money, power, and greed some people are willing to destroy this beautiful planet. They will never learn, so it's up to us to teach our children the right way.

    I've made mistakes in my life I admit that, if only other people could do the same I think this would be a better place to live, maybe one day.
  18. What about lazy people though? People who don't want to contribute?

    Probably also a product of capitalism, but nonetheless if we tried to convert directly into a society that didn't have money and everyone helped each other we'd have a lot of lazy fucks who just wanted help, and not to help.
  19. I think if you know what's going on in the world around you and you are well informed then that is a good thing. Because think about it we live in a world where Syria is killing it's own people, and the news only worries about Kim K and who she dates next or what sex tape comes out next *which I would watch*.

  20. i like the cut of your jib. stick around a while.

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