hey guys.. quick question. Can you use Neem Oil with other foiliar spray things? I have nutes and Superthrive in my foliar spray. Im fighting Powder Mildew, do i have to add neem oil to distilled water with nothing else? or can it be with the other crap? Edit: It says to add neem oil to warm water? All i have is room temp Distilled Water... Is that ok?
Whether you can or not, the answer is probably yeah, maybe. But a better question is why would you want to? Take care of one thing at a time, and I'm pretty sure room temp distilled water would pass for warm water...
If your fighting powdery mildew why in the hell would you spray your plants with anything? The only 2 things to do are: 1.Get your humidity down.Get a used cheap Dehumidifier on ebay.Its worth every pennie.http://www.ebay.com/itm/GE-ENERGY-S...298?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d409ff02 This was the cheapest I saw. 2.Get a sulfur burner if you have more issues,or to help prevent furtue outbreaks.
Because Neem Oil is a Insectiside, pestiside and a fungiside... thats why but yeah im looking into a de-humidifyer. Cheers Brotha.