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Foco Pick Up. 4 strains.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SmokeDaDro, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 SmokeDaDro, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Yesterday we picked up 4 strains from the dispensary. 7g's of each. Enjoy!:smoking:[​IMG]G - 13


    Bubble Gum




    Maui Waui
  2. The G 13 and the sage look the dankest but they're all nice lookin nugs
  3. g13 looks nice! which disp?
  4. Out of the 4 strains smoking the sage definitely hits the hardest and lays you on your ass haha
  5. Damn, That sage, and G13 look Super dank.
  6. holy jeebus that G 13 looks amazing
  7. I wanna brush off that Sage shit looks so dusty. Lookin like you left it on top a VCR for a month hahaha. Would love to have the ability to buy from a dispensary. New Jersey is gettin shit rollin lets go East Coast progress haha
  8. The G-13 looks incredible! Wow I'm surprised the dispensary did a bad trim job on that bubblegum.
  9. thats great you could make a salad each time you smoke and top it with keef haha and get super high :hello:
  10. ive come across sage a few times now and every time im disappointed. im sure its all who grew it though
  11. That g-13 looks fuckin nasty. I would love to get my hands on some of that
  12. what dispensary are those buds from?
  13. These are from one of the dispensaries up here around CSU.
  14. Mmm that G-13 looks yummy, I wish I could go weed shopping :(
  15. Whats the name of the dispensary? I'd like to check it out next time I'm up in FoCo. Check out that G-13 that is. :) Nice buds bro.
  16. That's whattsup nice buds
  17. Lol, that would be heaven.
  18. The dispensary is called O2 lounge. the half dispensary half oxygen bar. We pick up this dank from them all the time.
  19. maui wowi is the shit. haha i would go threw an oz of that in a week. overall, all four buds look like sum nice dank. good pickup
  20. Wow can you say fuego?! These buds look amazing!

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