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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Lil Keke, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I was cleaning my piece in my bathroom sink when it slipped through my hands and fucking fell. It was my best piece too, it was a 2 inch bowl that always hit me well. I have 2 other bowls that don't do shit to me when I smoke out of them. This was the only piece that really got me high and now it's gone.

    I have all the pieces, do you guys think I can fix it? Like I said, any other piece doesn't get me high, I just don't know why. I feel like shit now.

    It broke into a few pieces, do you guys still think I can fix it and with what? :(
  2. Doesn't make much sense that you can't get high using another pipe.

    But, I'm going to go ahead and say no, you can't fix it. Unless you know how to blow glass, there is nothing you can do.

    Sorry buddy.
  3. Damn that sucks. Most bowls are only 20 bucks, though. and they're nice.

    I never broke a piece yet (been smoking for like 10 months). I have 1 bowl, 1 chillum, 3 bongs.

    I doubt I can break my bowl, it definitely CAN break, but the glass is thick. (Not in a bad way)
  4. God damn, I can't get high using any other piece. I just don't know why, fuck I have depression and this just makes it even worse.

    Ugh, why did it have to break...:(
  5. I have other bowls but I just stopped using them because I can't get high off them. Ugh, shouldn't of cleaned it!
  6. I remember when I broke my first glass piece, was a 2 inch thin glass pipe that i got for 2 50
    I miss it:(
    But dude move on, get a nice piece. Try out bubblers????
  7. Dude, bowls are only 20 dollars.
  8. This almost happened to me less than an hour ago. I was holding the pipe in my hands and the water got burning hot but I didn't drop it, I just put my hands through the pain to save my baby.
  9. It doesn't make sense you cant get high off another piece... It's not the pipe that gets you high it's the chemicals the plant.

    Buy a bowl and keep smoking. I'm 100% sure you'll get high eventually. Otherwise, your way out of luck if that was the ONLY pipe that will get you high...
  10. How can you not get high from your other bowls? Sounds like you're not using them right.
  11. I am, it's just that little tiny bowl just got me high. After I smoke a bowl with my other ones I don't feel shit, when I smoked a bowl with that small one I got really baked. I just don't know why, my other bowls are bigger though. So maybe that's why?
  12. and i will also agree that different pieces i have used before have made me feel different with the same amount of bud. i dont know if its the way they're designed or what
  13. How the fuck does the bowl make you High
  14. Honestly think the whole "other bowls don't me high" thing is all in your head. You seem pretty head strong that THAT is the answer, when it simply doesn't make sense.

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