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Flying with MFLB

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jamo16, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I'm going on a carnival cruise in a month and I think it would be fun to toke on the ship so do you guys think I could fly to Florida with a MFLB in my luggage? I'd clean it but it would still probably smell like weed. :confused:
  2. Clean it out very well and let see if you can direct a fan or hair dryer on it for a while (not the hot, but the cool mode).

    use the brush in the o-ring over and over. if you're going to be on it for a month, don't you think the $100 is worth buying a 2nd one?

    EDITTT:miss read it, you'll be on a cruise in a month, anyways, that gives you plenty of time to gather $107.
  3. I would do it if it was really clean, like no resin at all.
  4. Better safe than sorry in situations like this imo

    I'd definitely invest in a 2nd unit rather than risk getting caught with paraphernalia.
  5. put it in your checked in luggage inside a pocket or something. i wouldn't put any tobacco or anything with it just coz it would attract attention. what's the chance they're gonna check your suitcase and then open it up to look at a wooden box

  6. it shouldn't have resin in it. if it does, you're doing it wrong.
  7. ^

    even vapour leaves behind "vapour resin" aka wand hash, especially in the mflb
  8. I think thats a good way to get busted in front of your family.
  9. Well, if your people are okay with you smoking pot and it gets taken from you, the lifetime warranty covers this type of situation and they'll send you a new one asap. Just make sure you have the serial number or whatever it is.
  10. But... even if you did get the MFLB there, where would u get bud
  11. I'd just buy it in the bahamas or mexico than bring it on the ship. I think I'm just gonna use an apple or something. I'm pretty sure it'd get through easy but I don't think I'm gonna risk it since they could find it and just check out and then I'd be busted by my parents :(
  12. I don't think you would have a problem getting a new, cleaned one on the ship. However, what do you expect to do on your way back home? Why not just drive down?

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