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Flying High?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by contraband, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. If I smoke before going on a domestic flight, is there any reason why I could be arrested or not let on the plane just for being high? (Not carrying MJ, not causing a disturbance).

    With the new TSA screening and stuff, I just want to make sure things will go ok if I do this. I wasn't able to find any threads that address the new TSA screening while being high.

  2. i wouldd personally make an editble and eat it right as you enter the airport.
  3. Hmm...I Would not expect them to say anything. Just Cause they would not have any reason to belive your high except that u look high.:p I would be extremely paranoid though about the plane crashing hah.:smoke:
  4. My friends and I have done this before without a problem. Just do not carry any on you.
  5. The act of simply being high isn't illegal. As long as you aren't causing problems and you don't have any contraband on you, you should be fine. Be sure to cover the smell if you're smoking.
  6. Taking off while baked would be insanely awesome. That's my favorite part of a plane ride haha
  7. getting caught is fairly hard if your on your shit and precise. I smoked in an airport back in november and while it wasnt hard to do it is definetly not for people who dont have prior stealth smoking knowledge and experience.
  8. Like some other guy in here said, make edibles. Last time I flew I ate edibles and was good. Only bad thing is they kicked in during extreme turbulence. Shit had me so sketched lmao

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