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Flying high?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420LondonUK, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Would flying while high be a good idea?
    Do you think it will be enjoyable.
    Would doing aerobatics while high feel awesome with all the G force or would it make you sick? I dont think anyone has even dont this before :L just looking for opinions from season tokers. I dont think id be able to pull off a loop the loop while high hahah.
  2. Flying high is a great idea. Edibles would be my top choice since they last a bit longer and are easier to consume inconspicuously before the plane (or on the plane).
  3. yea just munch like 5 brownies down before you get to security haha. somethingi want to do very soon
  4. there wont be no security ;)
  5. i love flying high, eat a cookie befor eheading off to the airport, byu the time the flight takes off, so are you. makes the crying rugrats a bit more tolerable
  6. lol everyone, he is talking about himself piloting a plane while high. personally, i wouldnt suggest it, but you're the pilot and know your limits. cuz i mean if you fuck up, then youre kinda like... you know... fucked.
  7. Depends on how comfortable you are with your flying skills.
    I'm sure it becomes second nature-like driving does after a while.
    If you're good with it, maybe smoke a little and see where it takes you, instead of getting bombed and in some serious trouble.
  8. my friend walked onto the plane with weed in his pocket, rigged a foil pipe and took a fat rip in the bathroom of the plane, blowing the smoke down the toilet (SUPER SUCTION) as he flushed.

    ballin huh?
  9. Yeah i already feel fked while doing a loop sober lol.
  10. If youre flying yourself... on second thought... no.
  11. I've been 'flown' pissed and felt like shit. I'm not sure what being high would be like, but I sure as hell wouldn't fly the damn thing high.
  12. not one to condone operating a plane while under the influence.

    But if your riding a plane.

    Eat an OZ.!
  13. Flying high is great, but never pilot the plane yourself (I have a pilot's license. I would NEVER be pilot-in-command while high. You would definitely die. This is coming from someone who drives while high all the time).

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