Flushing question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Stache, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. When you flush with plain water, do you just PH it up or down as usual?
  2. Basically yes, but...

    It can be inconvenient to buffer all the water you will need for a flush if you have more than a couple of plants in small containers. You should flush 3x the volume of the pot, and for example I grow 4 plants in 5-gal buckets, that's 20 total gallons soil so 60 gallons to have prepped for a flush. One way to "cheat" is to buffer only some water, perhaps 25% of your soil volume's worth (so in my case 5 gallons), flush with decent neutral-pH tap water and then use the buffered water at the end -- it will push out most of the unbuffered water.

    The other thing to remember is that how zealous you need to be about the pH of your flush depends on when you are flushing. If you are flushing 1-2 weeks before anticipated harvest and will not be feeding any more afterwards, then the pH doesn't matter that much because the whole issue with pH is that the plant's roots can uptake nutrients only in a certain pH range, and since you are flushing out any nutes in the soil and won't be feeding any more anyway then you don't need perfect pH for a final flush. You still want it to be relatively neutral (you can still harm the roots if the water is too acidic or too alkaline).

    If you are flushing in the middle of your grow, though, do pay attention to pH because you will have more feeding in the future.
  3. Wow great reply thanks for taking the time to post that. I think I'll flush with ph'ed water, pain in the ass but I'll just do it.

  4. try some canna flush it works wonders imo brov

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