i had some problems with nutrient burn on my plants ...which are growing in an eb and flow set up..i flushed them twice a day for 2 days with straight ph balanced water with superthrive ...they have stopped growing completely now...is it time to start back up with the nutrients...i'm using ionic 5-2-6..as my nutrients...the plants are about 5 inches tall and really stocky...no stretching at all ...would 1/4 strength be a good safe starting point...also i flood them 4 times a day for an hour..i'm using geolite...thanks!
I'm not and eb and flow man, bubble buckets are what I've read the most on. I would wait more than a couple of days to give the plants a chance to flush completely. But if you have thoroughly flushed, no more burning, and the plants are still living, you may give the nutes another chance. But keep it at a very low strength until they are a good height.
thanks for the advice iv'e watched your replies to other posts and you seem to be the most straight forward on answers...i just started the nutrients again at a very light mix.i hope this fixes the problem..thanks again.