flushing plants and catching the runoff

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by vegasendo, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. ok so i just started a feeding shcedule where i flush my plants every 12 days. however it gets to be a bitch because the shop vac only holds so much water so i can really only flush 2 plants before having to empty it in the bath tub etc.. (i suck up run off water with the shop vac because otherwise there would be water all over the inside of my tent)

    flushing is a huge part of soil growing so id assume someone out there has got some tricks i dont know bout..
    i mean if people are growing indoors with 15 gallong buckets theyd have to flush wayyy more than me..

    can someone please tell me the secret to keeping this not such a pain in the ass...:) :) :)

    thanks! :D

  2. most growers dont flush until the last 2 weeks before harvest... but some do to keep the PH Runoff good, and salt build up (if any) away.
  3. i used to flush the last week/2 however now i feed nutrients on day 3 day 6 and day 9 then day 12 a gallon of water with 10ml clear ex then about 3-4 gallons of plain water and then back to nutrients 3 days later.. it seems to improve the taste/smell and overall health of the plant.

    in any case I still wasnt provided any helpful info on catching this run off.. i dont think peopel just let water run all over the floor etc :)

  4. Well, first, flushing is a part of any soil/soiless mixture grow, but with your frequency you are destroying many of the beneficial cultures in the soil. Thats kind of the whole point of doing soil vs other mediums, you want the ecosystem that feeds your roots to be alive, well, and thriving. By flushing that frequently (every 2 weeks) I think you not getting the max benefit out of your medium. So, why are you flushing every 2 weeks? Are there excessive builds ups in your soil, or some kind of deficiency/over nute?
  5. i understand what you are saying however I used to feed the plants water nutrients water nutrients not i just do nutes nutes nutes then flush with clearex and water then back to nutes nutes nutes.. it seems to work well

    in fact since ive flushed the "dots" id get on almost every grow with any strain have completely gone away.. which makes me thinks the plants are getting just what they need now even more!! staying NICE and green and i think with them being able to soak up the nutes each time until they are flushed its pushing them along pretty well.. basically did 3 strains this time using this method rather than all previous grows doing water/nutes water/nutes every other time type thing then flushing at the end.. i had some weird deficiency constantly that didnt really affect the buds however i think my final product will def be better with NO deficiencies etc.

    never the less i really dont wanna take plants into the bathtub to flush em that would be even more work then sucking it up with a shop vac one at a time :)
  6. the strains im almost done with are mk ultra, sage n sour and a sweet tooth clone I believe.

    they look great i used fox farm nutes this time around.. ive heard awesome things about advanced nutrients but simply dont know what line to buy for a soil grow and in combination with their additives ETC.. its really confusing.. fox farm has 6 products 3 liquids 3 powders simply buy the 6 things follow the chart.. it couldnt be easier..

    advanced looks as confusing as it gets :/

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