Flushing before harvest

Discussion in 'Aeroponics' started by Smarty, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Just curious as to the different ways growers flush in an aeroponic system. If you don't believe in flushing then there is no need to reply. I have tried flushing and not flushing and I know flushing makes a difference.
    here is my procedure from Grow Daddy.

    run only reverse osmosis water without nutrients for a day, then run a day of regular irrigation using Flawless Finish, then run distilled water until harvest day.
  2. I would also really like to know the answer to that, what you said makes sense though...

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. So how many days are you running distilled water? Just as aero needs less nutes it also needs less flushing. I only flush my aero grows for 2 days total. Anymore is wasted time of no feeding

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