are these ready for a weeks flush or do they need another week before the flush week Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
I guess it depends too on how much soil you have and how much nutrient is in the soil, flushing doesn't always take a week. They look good, I can't judge if they are ready, but try to figure how long until they need to be harvested, and work that into your schedule.
so you dont think i could push another week? its jusr ive got some a week behind. theres not a single red tric anywhere at all Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
From those pics.....I figured one week more....while you were flushing....would put them right there in the harvest wondow....AGAIN....this is just one recreational GROWERs opinion.
Me i would flush 2 weeks from here or if your a one week flusher, then let it go one more week then flush. Still see some clear trichs. All depends what your looking for 100% milky or 80 to 90% milky with 10 to 20% amber.
That's true.....I'm an "early harvesrer" you could say.....I like em clear and milky.....not too many Amber's at all.....just tastes better that way.....TO ME
I've read that a slightly early harvest is better than slightly late, and harvesting a little early will help contribute to more of a heady high? I might try to space out the harvest with my stuff to find out for myself.
thanks pal! ill make my mind up at some point tonigjt ive got a flush bucket and feed ready one Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
im looking for 100% milky mate what do you think theyll be like in 2 weeks? amber wise Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk
Take a sip of your nutrient solution. If it doesn't taste too bad you don't need to flush. Takes a while to develope a taste for cow manure. Flush what where? How did all that shitty stuff get in your buds? And where will it go if you give the roots water? I have an apple tree with apples on it. How much water will I need to give it before they start tasting good?
I say flush now for one week. By then your gonna have some kick ass smoke! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Last pics you posted if it was my plant for sure 2 more weeks. Trichs by then should be 100% milky, you still have a lot of clear trichs left with small heads.
flushing is a myth. do not flush. you still have ripening and maturing to go through and you are talking about flushing the nutrients. that doesnt make sense to me. flushing is a myth just dont do it. waste of water.
Some Canadian University just proved it too. Analysed flushed vs non flushed buds for chem levels and shock horror there was absolutely no difference. Too stoned to find the link but shouldnt take long on google if anyone else has the motivation
I grow organics, I don't flush (unless you count typical 'water to runoff') My stuff burns with white ash, you can light a joint, get it started, and then toss it in an ashtray, and pick it up every few minutes and take a drag. It will burn all the way down by itself if you let it. Everyone says something like 'next level' or 'you don't see s**t like this around here' or 'holy s**t that tastes incredible!' I truly believe the dry and cure is way more important than flushing or not flushing. The slower the dry, the better. I have also seen fantastic weed completely destroyed by someone with inexperience, sprinkling water into a giant garbage bag full of massive, dried colas. They went from a beautiful lime green to Mexican brick brown in a few days. The dry and cure can make or break your entire harvest.